Empty Promises

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This is 6 years after ‘Empty’. This is Jingles, they are a 6’4, nonbinary, dominant werefox, fox thing(?)


Kaminari's pov

The rest of the Bakusquad said that they wanted to talk to me about something. They have been kind of reserved lately. I don't know if I did something wrong again, I hope not. They also have been short with me as well. I'm about to unlock the door to our apartment when I hear Mina.

“Okay, todays the day, we have to tell Denki.” Huh? Tell me what?

"Yeah, we can't keep leading him on. It's not right." Hanta said from behind the door.

That's when I decided to make my presence known. "What do you guys mean by leading me on?" 

Ei started rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to stutter out the truth. Kat ended up taking over, straightforward and to the point as always. 

"We don't love you anymore. We used to but not now.”

I just stare at the ground blankly. I don't know why I'm even surprised. I knew this was going to happen eventually. Who would ever want me? I'm nothing but a fat and ugly idiot, but that shouldn't matter, they had promised.

“We’re sorry Denki, it's just- there’s just nothing there anymore.” Mina said walking closer to me trying to touch me but I backed away from her. 

I speak, still staring at the floor. “You had all promised.”


“No!” I yell, cutting off Sero as I finally look up, tears rolling down my face. “You had promised that you would never leave me! You would always love me forever and ever, were your exact words! Did that mean nothing to you all?! Was it all nothing but words out of pity so I would finally take care of myself?! Were all of the ‘I love you’s nothing but lies?! I thought I had actually found people who really did love me! I guess I was just an idiot for thinking that.”

 “Denki, no one here thinks you're an idi-” Ejirio tries to move closer to me this time but again I back away.

“Don't lie to me! I'm leaving! I don't want to listen to lairs anymore!” I said as I turned around, walking out of our apartment. After the door is shut I fall back against it and try to wipe away all of my tears that only seem to keep coming. Once they finally stopped, I took a few deep breaths and walked away from this nightmare filled with empty promises. 


1 month later

“Alright get up, we’re going to party tonight.” My friend, Jingles, says to me as they throw a black crop top, mini skirt, gloves and fishnet stockings at me. “I don’t want you to start growing mushrooms.”

I rolled over in my bed, hiding further into my covers as I whined in protest. “I don’t wanna.”

“Don’t care, sweetheart. Now hurry up before I make you, baby boy.~” The nonbinary werefox says in their dom voice, making me shiver a bit. This asshole. I flip them off but still get out of bed and get dressed. Jingles has been my friend since middle school and after I had told them what happened with the Bakusquad, they have been letting me stay in their apartment.

After I’m done with my make up I walk out to see Jingles in a white button up with the sleeves rolled up and most of the buttons undone and black slacks. They looked hot as fuck. 

Jingles turns to me and puts their arm around my waist, dipping me slightly. They lean close to my ear. “If I hadn’t have known you forever I would be ravishing you’re cute little body right now.~”

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