Her voice suddenly changed from loud and full of anger to confused. I even could see how her "nature" part slowly started to cover with red color.

- OH...

- Yeah... - I just answered with insane embarassment and confusion as well.

- I'm... I'm REALLY sorry to interrupt you, - Undyne started to slowly back off while nearly bowing in a gesture of appology, - Don't worry about the show... P-please continue!

She finished and hurried to close the door when she finally stepped out of the room.

- W-well, that was... Awkward, - I tried to chuckle while looked at Chara that was still covering herself with blanket.

- Yeah, - she smiled a bit in response, - We made quite a mess here, didn't we?

But I didn't answer due to my own embarrassment.

- Well, - she sighned once again, - I think we should go.

As soon as she threw her part of blanket away I immediately looked away. I just decided to concentrate on searching and putting my own clothes back on as well.

- I-I'm not looking!

- Seriously? - Chara chuckled, - We literally had sex last night and you're still too shy to even look at me?

- H-how can you be so calm about such a thing?!

But Chara just did a deep sigh before she gave an actual answer.

- Need I reminder you what EXACTLY Shifty did with me when he was alive?

- Please don't.

- Maybe I would be embarassed just like you now if I was a... REALLY virgin, you know. But now sex for me is not much of a big deal. Especially if I'm doing this with someone I LOVE, not with someone I HATE.

- That's actually fair...

But when I was putting my clothes back on, suddenly I noticed her black bra that was just lying on the floor and that just made me go red once again.

- Can you give me that? I need it after all, you know.

- JESUS! - I shouted in frustration mixed with embarassment and threw it at her direction.

- Well, it wasn't really necessary to throw it at my face, but thanks, I guess.

Soon we putted our clothes back on and only THEN I could look at Chara and not burn out due to my embarassment. But she was just looking at me with peaceful smile like nothing ever happened... I was still shocked how calm she was acting about such a thing. I actually expected that she's going to beat my ass up as soon as she'll realize what happened just like many times before, but... Did that means that she just started to trust me? Because earlier she wasn't even letting me touch her under her shirt.

Yeah, that slap felt really painful. Damn demon-girls...

I bet she can easily lift up the whole car in the air and throw it right at my face if she'll want to... Well, let's not think about such a thing.

... But what if she'll actually hit you in the ba... OKAY STOP!

- See? - Chara giggled when I looked at her, - NOW do you recognise me?

- Very funny, - I rolled my eyes in annoyance and left the room while Chara only followed me. But as soon as we left the room and approached the fountain, my eyes widened up in surprise.

Asriel was there... He was waiting for someone and he was surely frusrtated, so he only stomped on the ground with his leg repediately. What is he doing here? Did someone inform him about my idea with Undyne? Or is it just stupid coincidence?

- Fuck... - I whispered and looked at Chara. Her hair was completely messed up and that was one big hint for Asriel, - Chara, fix your hair!

- What? - Chara got surprised by that sudden order, - What happened?

- Asriel is here! - I hissed silently, - Quickly!

Chara immediately realized how fucked up situation is and tried to smooth down her hair with her hands... But she only made it worse.

- Chara! - I hissed in bigger frustration.

- I'm trying! Your hair is fucked up as well, you know?!

- Oh there you are! - suddenly we both heard Asriel's voice that just noticed both of us.


- Hello Asriel! - I tried to greet him happily while Chara smiled innocently, but her eyes were filled with panic.

- Sup Rei.

- I just got invite from Undyne to her own show! And both of you are invited as well! Can you imagine how lucky are we?! - Asriel exclaimed happily. Looks like Undyne didn't mention that I basically forced her to "invite" Asriel.

- Yeah? That's great! We should hurry then! - Chara answered and just tried to go for elevator, but then...

- Wait, - Asriel said with sudden coldness while looking at both of us closely, - Why are you looking... So weird?

- What? - I asked as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

But Asriel was keeping cold face for a while looking us around with suspicious look. But after a few moments his face expression changed to annoyed one.

- Oh well. That explains monster's complaints about "strange noises" last night.

After that we both gone red. Chara obviously didn't know what to tell in such situation.

- A-ah yes, noises. We heard that as well! Right, Chara? - I started, but my stammering was unintentionally giving me up. But Chara still decided to support me.

- Yeah, those guys were really annoying. We couldn't sleep because of them.

After that we all went silent. Asriel was still looking at us with annoyance and sort of disappointment while we were still smiling "innocently".

- I hope you used protection at least?

- Wha... - I basically choked on my words after that. HOW THE FUCK GOAT KID KNOWS ABOUT SUCH STUFF??? - What the hell are you thinking?! We were just trying to slee...

- We did, - Chara gave up and interrupted me while I just looked at her with death-stare. She just gave us all up.

- You're NOT making this easier!

- I knew it, - Asriel just sighned, - Fine, you two rabbits, keep your secrets, just don't make me an uncle too early. But I would think twice before telling my mom about such a thing.

He actually gave us a good advice and then moved to the elevator. I just need to hope that Toriel won't find out about such a thing... Or I'm pretty much dead.

- We're not rabbits! - I argued offensively and followed him.

Time to become more popular in the Underground I guess.

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