It’s not like I’m fond of Kaan or anything. But it’s the best for him too if he doesn’t walk down that path.
But what do I do? I can’t let him take Enri! I haven’t caught the other person yet! God! What else can I give him?

“If you want someone, you can take me.” I didn’t think before speaking or well, I didn’t think about it after speaking aswell. I just said those words and then took a deep breath.  Kaan doesn’t know I’m not actually of royal blood and not related to Cedric, “I am the eldest child of Former King Cedric.”

“What makes you think you are enough?” He said and his words sent me in shock.

“I-I,” I blushed at his words and looked down in shame, I thought too highly of myself! God! I feel so embarrassed! And he thinks nothing of me! God! “I- I have another proposition.” I say in a panicked tone.

“What proposition?”

I licked my dry lips, “Maximillian allows demon slavery.” Kaan’s eyebrow twitched when he said those words, “If you cooperate with me, I’ll change the law and let you take back all the demons with you.” I looked at him in desperation.

I hope this one works! It should! He’s a good king! And an honorable character!

My words actually calmed him a little.
Although it wasn't compensation to what was done to him, it was in a way a good thing for him and his kingdom.

“I see,” He replied calmly. “When will you have it done then?” The malice in the room subsided.

“Right after my coronation party.” I replied, “It’s not far.” I gave him an enthusiastic answer.

“Your word on it?” He asked and I nodded my head vigorously.

“As long as you give me yours.” I replied.

“To keep what happened to myself?” He let out a sigh, “You’re really not going to give that redhead captain to me?” He asked once again and I shook my head.

He’s an important character in the book and Leon needs him by his side.

“If you hurt Enri, the knights won’t hold still. He’s very loved…” Unlike me.

Kaan nodded his head, “Fine,” He looked at me with a softer gaze, “But you offered me two things.”


“The abolishment of demon slavery.” He bent down to come face to face with me, “And yourself.” His beautiful face was inches away from me.

There was a pause. Then my face flushed red.
“B-but you said I wasn’t enough!” I panicked.

He chuckled, “Not enough for the compensation, because you are not your father.” He stood up straight again. “But you as a person aside is a different story.”

My heart began to jump weirdly. Wait! What is happening here? He wants me? Why? I shook my head.
Damn! I’ll just tell him about the other thing so he can forget about me and have that!

“There is one more thing though…” I cleared my throat and calmed myself down, “There is some nobleman who was Cedric’s accomplice in this.” I glanced at the demon lord, “He knows about the whole ordeal and your imprisonment. He just wasn’t there at the fight.”

“A nobleman?” He narrowed his eyes in suspicion, “Who?”

“I’m not exactly sure who, he was a close friend of my father’s but I’ll find him. You can have him. If you want.”

Kaan smiled at my words, “And when will you find him?” He seemed a little amused that I was trying so hard.

“Before my party,” I told him, “I’ll be sure too!” I clenched my fists and showed him my ardor.

“Fine.” He extended his hands towards me, “Since you’ve offered me three things now. We have a deal.”

My heart leapt is glee
I was about to shake his hand when I paused, “Wait, three things?’ I looked at him, “I-I’m still part of the pact?” He only smiled back, “I- I’m the-”

“You were the one who offered yourself as compensation.” He cut my words which I probably couldn’t have finished anyway, “No?”

“Ah well!” My eyes went astray as I got confused. I did offer myself to navigate the conversation in some direction but I actually just said it in the heat of the moment. But the thing is, yes, I did offer myself.
I sighed, “Fine.” I shook his hand, “We have a deal.”

“Deal.” We shook on that.

“But What could you possibly get from me?” We pulled our hands away and I asked him. “Are you going to torture me…?” I stepped back a little.

He smirked back at me, “I’m not someone who forces anyone. So whenever you’re ready to come to me.” There was a different type of aura oozing out of him now, “Some of us demons have a way of telling certain things and when I say you and I are compatible. It’s the truth.” He gave me a softer smile, “I get that you probably don’t understand this, since you aren’t aware of these things living as a human. But we’d make a great pair.”

It took me a moment to understand what he was implying and my cheeks burned red.

We'd make a great pair in bed!?!!

“Ah!” I turned my gaze away and clenched my fists.
Oh my God! Where did I land myself?

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