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I scrutinize his features, attempting to find out who he is. Have I done something to cause him to seek me in this manner? I was full of doubt right now.

"W-who are you, exactly?" I said with a strained voice "A-and what do you want from me?"

As I waited for his response, he returned my look and placed both of his hands beside my head.

"Why are you doing this?" "What did I ever do to you?" I asked, trying hard to fight back my tears.

"I want you," he says, running his fingers across my cheek and down to my lips, "because you've been fucking with my mind for the past three years."

"And you're the only damn thing I think about all the time." He exclaims aggressively, "I can't focus on anything because of you."

"You're on my mind twenty-four seven unable to complete any task unless I have you!" He hisses, his gaze fixed on my face, inches apart.

"Now that you're with me, I'll finally make sure you're mine." What exactly is he on about? What, three years? I'm utterly confused.

He wipes my tears away and asks, "Did you like my surprise though?" immediately switching the conversation. Thus he lets out a faint chuckle, I shift my face away from him.

"Get off me!" I shrieked. I felt frustrated and began violently smacking him in the chest. He gripped my arms to keep me from striking my fist into his chest.

I wondered how far this man would go to get me to accept his ridiculous offer. Oh gosh, I just hope he doesn't do what I fear he might.

"You are a monster for trying to harm my family if I do not accept your offer." " Is that the most you can do, Mr. Venttali? hurting other people's families only to get whatever you want" I comment, infuriating him.

He displayed no reaction in response to my statements, which irritated me instead.

I was ready to shout more profanities at him until I overheard Azaan bhai shout in agony, "what the fuck do you all want? is it money? Answer my damn question," he shouted from the phone beside me, trying to figure out why he's in this predicament.

"I swear to God, once I get the fuck out of here, I'll make sure you all suffer for this shit. It's over for you all," he yells at the men as the punching and beating continues.

"Your response is all that is left, and it might save your brother's life." "So, yes or no?" he says again.

No, I can't marry him, that much is certain. But wait, Azaan bhai, what about him? He couldn't possibly hurt him, could he? That is definitely not doable. And what if he does? I can't afford to lose him. Please help, Allah, yeh main kaha paas gayi? (god, Where have I gotten stuck?)

I rushed for the phone but was unsuccessful. He snatches the phone and pulls away from me before he reaches for it. Sitting up, I yet again call out for my brother, praying for a miracle.

"Azaan bhai! ...bhai!" I started shouting for him to hear me, but he couldn't and more tears came streaming down my face, as I continued to hear his groans , yell swear words at the men. "Who the hell are all of you?" As I heard the assault intensify, he yelled, "And what do you want from me, assholes?"

"You're making it so much worse for yourself and your brother. You know I'm capable of a lot worse." He smirked as he switched the phone to a video call instead, showing me approximately ten men beating him and another man as they were tied up. As I watched one of the men repeatedly punch him in the face, I let out another loud cry.

A Dance of Love and DenialWhere stories live. Discover now