All he wants is to be happy again, to feel alive again.

But both seemed so out of reach.

Even when he decided to finally let go and live his life. It was a lot harder than he thought.

In fact, it felt impossible.

He held the pendant in his hand. "Please...please guide me..."

San took a deep breath and forced himself to get up.

Even if Wooyoung didn't want to be with him, at least he could keep him warm until the rain stops.

He grabbed his raincoat and umbrella and walked out.

He wasn't in any rush.

Simply because he wasn't looking forward to being yelled at to go away.

He didn't even use his car and just walked.

Was it a long walk? Yes, but did he care? Absolutely not.

It was like he was being guided.

The streets were almost empty.

Heavy rain on a weekend morning, of course no one would go out.

San stopped in his tracks when he saw something.

Or rather someone, laying on the ground.

The clothes were familiar.

It was him.

Taking two steps closer, San was finally certain.

But he froze in his spot, not wanting to believe his eyes.

There was blood.

The only thing San could do, is stare.

His eyes were wide, his breathing wasn't regular and his heart hammering in his chest.

It couldn't be...

"Woo-Wooyoung..." he quietly called.

So quietly, he barely heard himself.

When he finally gathered the courage, San moved forward and slowly knelt on the ground.

"W-Wooyoung..." his voice wavered and his tears fell. "Please..."

Slowly touching his face, San saw his hand come back covered in blood.

It was horribly triggering to him.

He took a  long moment to stare at his red hand.

And a few more to process the nightmare right in front of him.

Then he finally snapped out of it.

"Wooyoung!!" He threw his umbrella and pulled the unconscious boy off the floor to his chest.

San sobbed as he held him tightly in his arms. "Please please please...not again...I can't lose you..." 

Wooyoung's eyes half opened for a second then closed again.

It was enough hope for San to immediately grab his phone and call the ambulance.

"Stay with me your eyes.." he desperately tried, completely forgetting the boy is blind, and too scared to move his head off his chest.

He kept talking to him until the ambulance arrived and picked them up.

San was holding Wooyoung's hand tightly until they arrived to the hospital.

Where they took Wooyoung away and didn't let San go with them.

It was terrifying not being able to see him, but he had to trust the doctors.

They started asking for information, and San had none.

So he told them he just found him on the street.

"You can wait here sir."

They said the last thing San wanted to hear.

He couldn't just sit and wait, he was going crazy.

But he had no other choice.

So he waited...

And waited...

And waited....

A/N: and so are you, lovely reader

Homeless Rose | Woosan Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz