Geralt took a deep breath. He then took one potion from his pocket.
"Here. Use it. It will stop the infection." he gave potion to random guy. He took it and immediately put on his injured arm and sighed painfully.
"Don't worry, after couple of minutes the pain will stop." Geralt explained.
"I know." random guy stated. This answer surprised Geralt and Ciri as well. Geralt didn't know where that guy heard about these potion's effects, but right know Geralt didn't care about it. He was glad that young man appeared from nowhere and helped them. But he was only really confused about one thing.
"Hey, what's your name?" Geralt looked at him. The young man cleaned his blade from the blood into his trousers and raised his head on the witcher. Ciri was watching him all the time. He was very suspicious for her and her theory that he is not just a normal human started confirming.
"Gabriel." he answered calmly.
"Then thank you Gabriel, you helped us a lot." Geralt admitted. Gabriel nodded.
"But.. I need you to ask you something. Where did you learn to fight like that.. there's only a few places on this world where teach this style of fighting.." Geralt said thoughtfully. He saw his whole fight with Vlkodlak and also how he helped Ciri.
"From my father, he was a witcher." Gabriel said honestly. Geralt's face froze. Ciri got surprised, she suspected it but she never thought it could be really true.
"Who was your father Gabriel?" Geralt asked him a bit puzzled because he didn't expect this.
"His name was Coën, but he died maybe twelve years ago." Gabriel explained. Geralt's heart skipped a beat in that moment.
"Gabriel.. Coën was one of us, he was my brother. That means you belong to us. You belong to School of Wolf." Geralt couldn't believe what just happened.
"What?" Gabriel was so confused.

It was almost a midnight. Yennefer was laying in her bed and trying to read some book but she couldn't focus on that. Her thoughts were somewhere else. That meeting with one of Geralt's ex distressed her. For some reason it upset her and she didn't know why. She didn't know why she started doubt Geralt's loyalty towards her in that moment. She's never done that before because she knows him. She knows he would never hurt her in that way. But Geralt still haven't returned from the tavern. She really wondered why. She knew he left there with Ciri.. but what if he went to visit her.. She immediately buried that thought.
What the hell was happening to her? She's never had problems dealing with another women. Why would she had now? Maybe it was lasting symptoms after the curse or maybe she's started to be too vulnerable.. The knock on the door disturbed her from her thoughts. She knew it was him. Nobody could knock that way, so soft as strong. She put the book on the bed and sat down. The door opened and he entered inside.

"I was wondering when you'll will show yours.." her words stuck in her throat. "Who.. who is he?" Yennefer was surprised and confused at the same time when she spotted another men behind Geralt.
"I'm Gabriel, son of Coën." he answered very calmly and stood up next to Geralt.
"Wait. That means.." she looked at Geralt. He nodded.
"Yes.. it means he belongs to us.. well, if he choose to stay.." he told her honestly. Gabriel stayed silent. She stood up and came towards them.
"Why we've never heard about you?" she looked straight into boy's eyes. He was still young, maybe about twenty five years.
"If you don't want to be seen then nobody knows you exists." Gabriel explained.
"I wonder why you chose to show yourself now.. What's changed your mind?" she gave him suspicious stare.
"You have no right to ask me questions like that.. witch." Gabriel growled. Yennefer's eyes changed.
"I'm beg your pardon young man. I have every right to ask what I want because if you didn't notice, you're standing in my room and you came here without invitation. If Geralt wasn't next to me you would be laying on the floor in spasms for your rudeness.. So, I would recommend you to start acting rationally and not like a moron." she told him strictly. Gabriel gave her surprised look. He clearly didn't expect that much superiority from her. Geralt cleared his throat.
"Gabriel, go find Eskel. He will find you a free room. We will talk in the morning." Geralt was trying to calm down the whole situation.
"I changed my mind because I'm tired of pretending." Gabriel ignored Geralt's words. His voice changed, it was more colder now. "I'm tired to pretend that my life is fucking awesome and I can do whatever I want. Because I can't. I'm witcher even though I haven't pass Trail of Grasses but still I can slay ten soldiers without one scratch. And your friend or whatever he is.." Yennefer interrupted him.
"Husband." she stated. If Gabriel was surprised he didn't show it on himself. He even didn't move with his eyebrows.
"Sorry.." he said sarcastically. "Then your husband knows how it feels when everybody hates you and wants to kill you every time when they just see your face.." he explained.
"Oh, he clearly do.. But I have to let you down Gabriel, being with us won't change the fact that you're a witcher." Yennefer crossed her arms.
"I know." he told her angrily.
"Then tell me the real reason." Yennefer saw his eyes. She already knew the answer. He hesitated.
"I.. I'll still be a witcher.. but I'll not be alone. I'll finally have someone who would cover my back." the young witcher said honestly. He lowered his eyes.
"Well, I think we would need some fresh blood in our family. You know, our witchers are getting older and also slower.." Geralt interrupted her.
"Hey! That's not.." Yennefer elbowed Geralt into his ribs and he immediately stopped speaking. He frowned. She continued.
"I want to say.. you can join our family Gabriel. If you don't want it do it now, it's okay. But I promise you, whenever you will come, the doors will be always open for you." Yennefer smiled a bit.
"Fine.." he cleared his throat. "Then I will go to my room.. As I see you need to deal with with your marriage's stuff too.." Gabriel told them calmly. He turned around and started leaving. Geralt and Yennefer stayed silent. After couple of seconds he stopped walking and cleared his throat again.
"Have a good night." he tried to told them kindly, then he left.

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