ch 18; flight range, the test

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Link let's go of the string and could hear the crackling bomb arrow, swishing away, toward the target he had aimed.
A few seconds later, the arrow hits the target and turns into an enormous explosion.
The wave from the explosion grasps Link, and pushes him backward.
The hylian gasps surprised, and puts the bow away.
Now he starts falling swiftly toward the bottomless hole.
With few and swift movements, he takes the paraglider out.
Lucky him, he floats toward an updraft, where the upward gust, pushes him upward.

The Rito nods, while eyeing Link from the hut, where Linkly and he are waiting.
He knew how surprised Link would be, when he'd used bomb arrow in midair, for the first time.
Now, Teba wants to see how Link will tackles, the sudden wave of the exploding bomb arrows.
How good the hylian will adjust to the situation. Since he now, knew the reaction from using a bomb arrow.
Linkly glances toward Teba.

Link's eyes move swiftly around to pinpoint the next target, who is strategic best placed, compared where he is right now.
When he found it, he replaces the paraglider with the bow and one bomb arrow.
His ear twitches a little, when he hears the crackling sound. Since he has used similar arrows in the past, he knew they would explode, if he isn't shooting away the arrow in time...
So, he narrows the eyes and pulls the string.
When he has aimed, he let's go of the string.
Instead to stay in same place, and stare at the arrow to hit the target, he replaces the bow with the paraglider, as quickly he could.
Then he glides away to protect himself behind a cliff.
He was almost behind the cliff, when he hears the arrow, exploding on the target.
In last moment, he gets away from the wave of the explosion, by hiding behind the cliff.

Teba smirks.
Which Linkly notices.
The hylian's heart starts pounding. It was obvious. Teba has already chosen his companion in the battle against Vah Medoh.
Even if Link hasn't shot five targets yet, it was obvious, he has already won in Teba's eyes.
Linkly exhales a soft sigh, and turns the eyes back at Link.
There isn't any point to take the test, himself...
Linkly feels mixed feelings about that.
Disappointed to stand on the sideline again. But also relieved.
He isn't feeling very well right now.
If he had taken the test, where would be a risk, he would fail miserably.
Like he said earlier to Link. Wait... Thought...
It's weird how he could still be sick.
No way it can be a common cold. It must be something else. Like a virus or something.
Or maybe his body starts protesting from the almost, one hundred years slumber?
Perhaps his body has taken damage from that? And starts now breaking apart?

A while later, Link lands on the ground, with a wide smile.
Taking five targets down, was easy, and he got finished within three minutes. At the most, it must has taken two minutes.

The Rito takes few steps, before flapping the wings and flies away, toward Link.
Teba lands in front him.
"You have made well... I'm sure the attack on Vah Medoh, won't be any problem if you and I, join our powers... If you still want to help me"
Link nods.
"Of course-... Otherwise I wouldn't have taken your test..." he answers and glances against Linky, who starts approaching them slowly.
Link notices how the kinda feeble hylian, doesn't seems very excited anymore.
"Excellent!" Teba bursts out, and glances curiously toward the direction, where Link glances at.
When the Rito sees Linky, he turns toward him.
"DO YOU STILL WANT TO TAKE THE TEST?" He shouts, despite he's ninety-nine percent sure, he will choose Link.

Linkly gasps jolting, and looks toward the Rito.
The Rito might pitying him, but he couldn't care less about that. He is feeling happy with being involved.
The golden blonde haired hylian, shakes his head, feeling hair strands, brushing over his cold and kinda pale face.
"I'll skip-... I'm not in good shape right now..."
Link nods. Feeling relieved, Linkly doesn't wants to take the test at all.
The taller hylian looks at Teba.
"He won't do the test... He isn't in good shape..."
The Rito nods in agreement.
"I can see that... Maybe the cold isn't his thing? Which I can't blame him... He doesn't has any feathers like me... And he doesn't has the right equipment to stay warm..." Teba says and looks asking toward Link.
"The good question is, why can you keep your warmth, despite you don't even use a jacket?"
Link grins.
" 'Cause I'm part wolf..."
The bewildered Rito raises an eyebrow, and starts examining him.
Then he shrugs.
"That's might be a good thing... Perhaps your wolf-side will give you any powers to use against Vah Medoh..." Teba says while Linkly joins them.
The rito inhales deeply.
"Only tell me when you are ready, and we will attack the divine beast..."
Link shrugs.
"Like, now?"
Teba nods and glances at the hut.
"Great-... I have a falcon bow in the chest, in the hut... You can take the bow as a gift and use it, during the attack..." he tells him.
"... And take more bomb arrows, if you can carry more..." he adds.

The rito starts feeling excited and for the first time, in long time, hopeful to win against Vah Medoh. Saving his people from the divine beast's attacks toward the ones, who flies too high up.
They will finally be free, and revenge Revali's death...
And if he is lucky, their champion will see, the rito village has got a new protector. Someone who will take care of them.
Someone who will make Revali proud....

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