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We spent some more time in the studio. At 1am we decided to go for a little walk, since Tommy was bored and we also wanted some fresh air. We all walked out and I just stood still for a moment, breathing the fresh and also pleasantly, cold air. 

"Come on, y/n!" Tommy said and waived me to them. I walked up to them and took Will's hand, who looked confused down to me. He then took my hand as well. I could see how his cheeks got slightly pink and chuckled. 

We walked down to the beach and sat there into the grass. We were all alone since it was already pretty late. Because of the fresh air the feeling of being drunk became even worse. I let me fall against Wilbur and closed my eyes. My head lay on his chest and he wrapped an arm around me. "Ugh, get a room you two!" Tommy said. I giggled a bit but I didn't move. 

I just listened to the others talking. After a while my eyes felt so heavy I didn't wanted to open them again, so I kept them closed. I also nearly fell asleep but I felt someones lips on my forehead. I opened my eyes and looked into the eyes of Wilbur. "Should we go home?" he asked. I nod "Yeah, it would probably the best if I don't want to fall asleep here" 

"Where are we gonna stay? My place or your's?" I asked. "I would say your's... then we don't need to get Tommy's things" Will replied. I nod. While Tommy and Wilbur talked a lot on the way home, I just walked beside them and listened. 

After ten minutes we arrived and I opened the door. I firstly walked into the kitchen to get me and Wilbur a glass of water, so we wouldn't feel that bad the next day. "Here, drink that" I said and handed Wilbur the glass. "Oh thank you" he replied. I sat down next to him. We quickly finished our water and I put the glasses away. 

"Okay, to be honest I think we should go to bed now. It's pretty late already and Tommy has to leave tomorrow. And I also think I'll feel very bad tomorrow so I probably should get a bit sleep" I said. Wilbur nod agreeing "Yeah you're right, good night Tommy!" "Good night" he replied. "Sleep well" I said and walked upstairs.

While Wilbur already walked into my room I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I followed Wilbur into my room. He already sat on my bed and was on his phone. I let me fall next to him and closed my eyes. 

He stood up and left the room. I assumed he was going to the bathroom. " You really should get some sleep y/n" Wilbur said as he came back and sat down on my bed.  "I know" I answered as he started scratching my head.

I sat up and looked at Will. "What?" he asked a bit confused. I moved closer to him until out faces were only centimeters away from each other's. I closed my eyes. I could hear him giggle a bit but he filled the gap between us and placed his lips on mine. I opened my mouth a bit so Wilbur could get his tongue inside. 

His hands lay on my hips while mine were around his neck. We stayed for a while like that before he broke the kiss. "Hey!" I said. Wilbur just looked at me. "Really, y/n, get some sleep" he said and kissed my forehead. I sighed and nod. I stood up and changed into a huge shirt I've got from Will. Then I lay back down, next to Will. "Good night, you should sleep now too" I said. He nod and lay down as well.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me over to him. I smiled but a few seconds after that I fell asleep.


When I woke up the next morning I had a bad headache. I turned around to look at Wilbur, who was already awake and on his phone. "How late is it?" I asked. "Oh you're awake. Uhm, it's 12.45pm" he answered. "Oh shit it's already pretty late. When does Tommy has to leave?" "I don't know. He told me yesterday he's gonna text his parents today" he explained. I nod and sat up.

"How are you feeling?" he asked then. "It's okay, I have a headache but it's fine. What about you?" I asked back. "I'm fine, well, I have a headache as well but it's not as bad as I expected it to be" he replied and chuckled. I nod and crawled over to him to lay my head on his chest.

We stayed like that for about 15 minutes before we decided to go down to Tommy. I quickly put on sweatpants and walked downstairs. Tommy was of course also awake and lay on the couch with his phone. "Good morning" I said and sat into the armchair. "Morning? It's fucking 1pm dude" he answered and sat up so Wilbur also could sat down.

"When do you have to leave?" Wilbur asked as he sat down. "My dad is coming at 3pm" he answered. "What should we do during the time you're still here?" I asked. He shrugged "I don't know, how are you feeling?" "We both have a headache but it's fine. I imagined it to be worse" Wilbur answered and giggled. "Probably one last stream? As the end" Tommy suggested. "Why not, I would be okay with it" I said, agreeing to his idea.

Wilbur also agreed, so we walked upstairs. Tommy and Wilbur sat down on the chairs in front of the desk, while I sat on a kitchen chair we brought upstairs. They quickly set everything up and started the stream. This time we streamed on Wilbur's account, so we waited until his intro had played 'til the end.

"Hello chat. How are we today?" Will asked and smiled at the camera. "Hey Chat!" I said and waived. "Hello!" Tommy said as well. "Oh yeah, the others already had to leave, so it's just Tommy, y/n and me now" Wilbur said after a while. I assumed that there were a lot questions about the meet up. 


We streamed for only one and a half hour so Tommy could pack his things in peace. After he was ready with all his things we just sat in the living room and chatted. The time went by pretty quickly and it was already 3pm.

Somebody rang the bell of my house, so I quickly stood up and opened the door. "Hello, I guess you're Tommy's father, right?" I asked and smiled. He smiled as well and nod "Yeah, I'm here to pick him up" "You can come inside for a bit" I said and stepped away from the door to let him in.

"Oh hello Wilbur, nice to see you again" Tommy's father said and sat next to Tommy and Wilbur on the couch. "And you're y/n, right?" he asked after I said down again as well. I nod "Yeah exactly. I'm, uh, Will's girlfriend" I said a bit hesitant, since I didn't knew if Wilbur was okay with telling him.


We just sat a bit longer there and talked. About half an hour later they decided to leave. We hugged Tommy one last time and said our goodbyes, before they left. Then we sat back down on the couch. I lay my head on Wilbur's shoulder and closed my eyes for a while. 

Even tough I enjoyed the weekend I was happy that we had now some time alone again. I liked the other ones really but I was not really the person for big friend groups. "Are you okay?" Wilbur asked. "Yeah sure. I'm just enjoying the silence" I answered and giggled.

He didn't answer me anything. We just continued to sit there in silence. But after a while I broke the silence again. "I think I'm gonna go take a shower real quick if that's alright" "Yeah sure" he said so I sat up and stretched. I stood up and walked upstairs. 


Once I was ready I put on some new sweatpants and a t-shirt and walked back to Wilbur. "If you want to, you can also take a shower" I said. He looked up from his phone. "Oh okay, thanks. Then, where are your towels?" he asked and stood up. "Oh they are in the cabinet in the bathroom upstairs" I answered him. He nod and walked upstairs. A few minutes later I heard the shower.

While he was showering I stayed in the living room and scrolled a bit on Tik Tok.


(1457 words)

Remember to drink something! have a good morning/day/night<3

- Luma

Wilbur Soot x Reader /// The fifth Lovejoy memberWhere stories live. Discover now