C H A P T E R 9

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Only half an hour later I've got a message from Will.


Wilbur: if you want to you can join our discord call: xxxxxx
me: oh cool:) thank you
Wilbur: no problem:) Tommy is going to stream with Tubbo and me in like 15 minutes
me: okay can I come too?
Wilbur: of course that's why I gave you the code dumbass
me: okay okay calm down haha
Wilbur: whatever see you


I quickly ran upstairs and opened Discord again. I joined the call and heard Wilbur talking. "Hey!" I said a few moments after I joined. "Oh y/n, you're already here?" I chuckled "Yes. Uhm... who was here now?" I asked. "I'm here, I'm Tommy!" "I'm Tubbo, nice to meet you!" "Okay, I think Wilbur told you already who I am" "Yeah he did. We're going to stream Minecraft, would that be okay?" Tommy asked. "Yeah sure" I replied. 

"You're also a streamer right y/n?" I heard Tubbo asking. "Yeah, to be honest not even a small one. Since I streamed a few times with Will I've got a lot new followers" "Oh wow, I'm happy for you. Since when do you know each other?" he asked. "Uhm... for like one and a half weeks, maybe two" I answered "We got friends really quick" I added. 

We talked for a few minutes until Tommy and Tubbo went live. We all got along pretty well and had a good stream.


"Shit Tommy! Help me!" I screamed. We played now for one and a half hour Minecraft. We started again a new world and it was a lot of fun. I actually wasn't that good at the game but the others helped me a lot with that. 

Tommy came and helped me with the monsters that surrounded me. "Thank you, Tommy!" I said. He just laughed "No problem" We walked out of the cave we were in and went back to Tubbo and Wilbur. "I found diamonds guys! I mean I nearly got killed... but I still have diamonds" I said and chuckled a bit. "Good job y/n. You're getting better" Will replied as he walked up to me. (Just to know this part was obviously in Minecraft just that you know haha<3)


After another half hour we ended the stream, and also the call. I checked the time and saw that it was pretty late. "Shit" I whispered to myself. I stretched and stood up. I walked downstairs into the kitchen and made a quick dish, 'cause I didn't ate anything since maybe three or four hours. 

After I ate I walked into my room. I got changed and went into the bathroom to get ready. I then headed back into my room and went to bed.


The next day started really boring, how literally everyday, until I decided to message Will.


me: hey:) whatcha doin?
Wilbur: not much
me: do you want to come over? I mean just if you want to of course
Wilbur: I'd love to. Where exactly do you live?
me: oh wait
         xxx xxx
Wilbur: okay see you:)


I walked into my living room and sat on my couch. I opened TikTok and waited until Wilbur would arrive.


When I heard the doorbell I put my phone away and headed over to the door. I took a deep breath and opened it. I instantly looked up to Wilbur. I smiled as I saw his brown eyes and his brown fluffy hair. "Hey!" I just said "Come in" He did as I said and walked in. He put away his jacket and walked into my living room, followed by me. 

"Your house is cool, I like it" he said and smiled at me. "Thank you" I said and smiled back at him. He walked over to the couch and sat down. "Well, I know I invited you to come over but... I actually have no idea what we could do" I said and chuckled. "Do you have a guitar?" He asked and looked around the room. "Uh yes. Yes but it's in my room. I can get if you want" He nod. "Well then, wait a minute"

I quickly walked upstairs and grabbed my guitar. I then went back to Will. "Here I... I uh, played it yesterday the last time. I'm learning a new song" "Cool, which one?" "505, I like it" He smiled "Yeah it's nice. Can I...?" I nod "Sure" I gave him the guitar and he started playing a song, but I couldn't figure out which one. Then he stopped. 

"It's a bit disgruntled, do you know?" "Actually? Can you make it sound good again?" He laughed "Of course, just give me a moment" I sat back on my couch and watched him tuning the guitar. It only took five minutes until he was ready. "I think it's good now" "Thank you, can I play something?" "It's your guitar" he said and laughed. I  grabbed it and started playing. 

I decided to play 'your new boyfriend' because I could play that good and I learned it together with Will. After a few moments Will actually started singing. I looked at him, but he had closed his eyes. I smiled and also blushed a bit, but didn't knew why. It wasn't even a strange situation or something else.

We finished the song and looked at each other. I blushed again a bit and walked over to the guitar holder. I cleared my throat as I walked back. "So... uh... what now?" I asked. "What if we..." he started and looked me straight in the eyes. "Yes? What if we?" "If we going for a walk again?" he said and looked away. I chuckled again "Sounds good" We stood up and walked outside. It was still very cold and also a bit dark already.

We walked down the street to the beach. We talked a bit on the way about some dumb things. When we arrived at the beach we sat on the stones a talked even more. We had a lot things to talk about today. But I enjoyed it and thought that I could do this more often. It was really boring alone at home so I liked it to be together with Will.


(1038 words)


- Luma

Wilbur Soot x Reader /// The fifth Lovejoy memberWhere stories live. Discover now