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We walked upstairs into his room. He turned on his pc while I sat down and put out my phone to check if I had got any new messages. Since I hadn't got any I put it away again and looked up to Will, who was opening discord already. I was kinda nervous even though I didn't really knew why, since it was just a call with Will's friends. I checked the time and saw that it was already 6.13pm. 

He directly entered the call they were all in. They all talked with each other and didn't stopped as we also joined the call. Will just looked over to me and smiled. I smiled back. "Hey, guys!" he said. "Oh hey Will!" Niki answered. A lot other people also said hello to us as well. "Hey, I'm y/n for all that don't know me" I said. "Hello y/n, are you at Will's place?" I heard a voice that I didn't knew. "That's Phil, he's the old one" Will whispered to me. I nod and chuckled quietly. 

I cleared my throat "Yes I am actually, we don't live far away from each other and spend a lot of time together" I answered then. 


We talked for almost two hours before they all left the call. They were all quite nice and I was now even happier that I would meet them this weekend. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. "And? Do you like them?" Wilbur asked. I opened my eyes again and smiled. Then I nod "Yeah they're really nice, I'm really looking forward to see them this weekend" "That's great. I hope that it's going to be a nice weekend" he said and stretched. "I'm pretty sure it will" I said and stood up. "Could we eat something? I'm quite hungry" I asked. He looked at me and nod "Of course"

We walked downstairs and decided to order something again, because we both didn't want to cook anything. While he was in the kitchen, talking on the phone, I was in the living room on my phone. I decided to text a bit with Niki since I really liked to talk with her in the past hour. The first time we met was kinda weird but this time with all the other people it was much better and I hoped to get friends with her.

"Who are you texting?" Will asked as he came back and sat next to me. I looked up to him and grinned. "With Niki" I answered. "Really? Do you like her?" I nod "Yeah. I know we didn't talked that much with each other when we met for the first time but this time it was much better. I thought that she was nice the last time as well and I think we could get friends" I said and smiled. He nod and put out his phone. 


After a while the food finally arrived and we could eat. While we ate we just talked 'cause we both didn't want to watch a movie or anything. Even after we both were ready with our food we didn't stopped talking. I didn't really knew where we got all the topics from but it was a quite nice conversation.

After a while I yawned and looked at the time. "Oh shit..." I said and yawned once again. "What?" Will asked. I looked up to him and showed him my phone, where he could see the time. "Oh, pretty late huh?" he said and smirked. I nod and moved right next to him so I could lay my head on his chest. He wrapped and arm around me which made me smile. I nearly fell asleep but Wilbur moved. "I think I'm gonna go to bed now" I said. "If it's okay with you that I sleep here again" I continued quickly. He chuckled "Of course"

I sat up and stretched before I walked upstairs. In his room I walked over to his wardrobe and took out a t-shirt. I then headed into the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I was ready I went back into Wilbur's bedroom. While I was in the bathroom he also came upstairs and did something at his computer. "Good night Will" I said and lay in his bed. He turned around and smiled "Good night, darling" My cheeks went slightly hot again after he called me 'darling' but I was too tired to give him attention on that.


The next morning I woke up because a phone rang. I groaned, 'cause I forgot that I was still at Wills place. I opened my eyes to see who was calling me, until I noticed that it wasn't my phone that rang and I wasn't even at home. My cheeks went hot and I lay back down. I pulled the blanket up over my head so Wilbur wouldn't see me, and waited. 

"Yes? What's up?" I heard Wilbur's voice. It was still very raspy because he also woke up just a few moments ago. I put the blanket back down and looked at him. He seemed pretty tired and didn't spoke much on his phone. I also grabbed my phone to check the time. It was only 9.37am so I turned around and closed my eyes again. Even tough I was extremely tired I couldn't sleep anymore, so I just waited until Will was ready with his phone call.

"Yeah okay, yes good bye" Will said and put his phone down. He lay back down and looked at me. "I'm really sorry" he said. I smiled "It's fine. But who was it?" I asked. "It was James, a friend of mine" I nod and closed my eyes. 

After a while where I was really close to fall asleep I turned around on my other side. Wilbur didn't say anything since a while so I thought he was sleeping already. Then he grabbed me at my waist and pulled me closed to him. I smiled and blushed pretty hard.


We both slept again until 12pm. After we both stood up and got ready I decided pretty quickly to go home since I wanted to do some things. It was now Thursday and I didn't know if probably some of them had to sleep at my place since Will wouldn't have enough places for everyone and my house is the closest to his.

I used the time to clean up my house since it was necessary for a long time. I listened to some music and danced more than I actually cleaned my house, but after a few hours I was actually satisfied with the end result.

After I was ready I walked upstairs and lay a bit in my bed before I headed into the bathroom and took a shower. Once I was ready with the shower I went back downstairs and cooked something for me. While I ate it I watched a series. 

I was kinda nervous that evening and hoped that the weekend would be cool. I went to bed at 2am and texted a bit with Will before I actually went to bed.


(1186 words)

Sorry for didn't uploading yesterday and only one chapter today:/ still thank you for reading tough:)

- Luma

Wilbur Soot x Reader /// The fifth Lovejoy memberWhere stories live. Discover now