Peter flew out of the classroom and down the hall only to be shoved against the lockers. He looked up to see Flash and his goons were looming over the late teen. Peter sighed. He didn't have time for Flash today. He has to show around a new intern today.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't sleeping beauty." FLash smeared in his face.

"Flash, I don't have time for this. Can't we do this some other time?" he begs.

"Nope!" Flash says as he goes to punch the teen, but Peter slips out of his grasp and starts running. Luckily his spider abilities came with super speed. FLash and his two goons chased after Peter as he dodged and slipped past people on his way to work.

As the tower came into view Peter slowed down to a normal pace thinking he had lost his bullies a while back, but he was wrong. He hadn't lost them, they just took a shortcut. Peter had just stepped into the tower when he heard a voice call out for him.

"Penis, get back here! You think you can outrun me, you wimp. Well you're wrong!" Flash and his goons who follow him around like little ducklings, had caught up to him. The worst part was they were at his work, which means everyone at Stark Tower is about to find out that he is bullied.

"Flash please not here." Peter begs with him.

"What? Are you afraid that all your little work buddies are going to find out how much of a loser you are? That you're pathetic, an idiot, weak, worthless, nothing." He said loud enough for the whole lobby to hear. At this point all the employees had stopped what they were doing to watch the sense in front of them.

Suddenly an alarm sounded blaring through the entire building. PPPS assemble in the lobby! was said over and over again at the same time as the alarm. Looks like Peter is going to find out what this secret group is all about.

People came running from every direction until there were about 30 to 40 people surrounding the 4 teens. Peter recognized everyone that came. They were all friends of Peter.

"Unhand Peter now!" Val, a girl from floor 4, shouts at Flash. FLash looked around at all the people who had gathered. Most of them had weapons that ranged from an extremely sharp pencil to staplers. FLash, being the idiot that he is, was not afraid of the very mad group. In fact he decided that it would be a smart idea to taunt them.

"You guys look like idiots. Why would you even want this worthless loser?" he exclaims. Peter is used to Flash's taunting, but the fact that he was in front of a group that he knows and likes, it makes him hang his head in shame. Seeing this makes the PPPS grip tighter on their makeshift weapons.

"Don't you dare say that about him again you pathetic jerk!" David, the head of the 6th floor, shouted back. This makes the bully angry.

"I'm not the pathetic one, he is! He's the one who got his family killed! In fact they probably killed themselves just to get away from you." This brings up a bunch of unwanted memories that Peter would prefer to forget. He sees the death of his mom, dad, and uncle Ben flash in his mind, reminding him of how much of a failure he really is. Peter starts silently crying.

"That's enough!" Tony's Stark's angry voice could be heard over all the protesting shouts from the PPPS. Flash's face visibly pales. All of the Avengers made their way through the group until they were face to face with Flash.

"You have 3 seconds to get out of my tower before we beat you until you can't walk." Tony says eerily calm.

"One." Natasha challenges.

"Two." Thor booms.

"Three." Bucky says.

Flash and his two ducklings ran out of the tower faster than Peter had ever seen them run before. He then turns back to the group and the Avengers. Upon seeing his tear streaked face, everyone gathered around in a group hug. Peter feels so loved. Once they all back up he decides to ask the question that's been bugging him for months.

"So what does PPPS stand for?" A few chuckle at his question.

"For someone who is supposed to be smart, you sure are oblivious. It stands for Peter Parker Protection Squad." Natasha informs him. Peter couldn't believe it. After all this time the group has been based on him. He really is oblivious.

"All hail our king, Peter Parker!" someone shouted from within the crowd. The members of the PPPS started bowing down to their king. This made Peter and the Avengers laugh. Peter finally got the answers he was wanting and Flash promised to never bother him or anyone else again.

I hope this is more upbeat than the last one. The next story will also be a happy fluffy one, so don't worry. Plus I know one of you will be happy when you read it (hopefully). Welp that's it for now! Goodbye my wonderful amazing fantastical readers!

1601 words.

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