When we got inside I saw Scarlet sitting on a bed and petting her silver wolf. I always forget the name of that thing! It's something like gold or platinum, or silver, I always forget. Scarlet had her bow on her back and was swinging her legs as she waited for us.

When we got inside she jumped up and ran over to us. She hugged me and I had a hard time breathing. "Makai! I'm coming with you on the quest." I smiled, that's great! But then...

"All of us are going on the quest?" I was shocked. I was going on a quest? Yes! Andy nodded, "All of us," She confirmed, "Me, You, Scarlet, ad Nico."

"Sweet! Ok, where are we going again?" Scarlet grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the Big House. She had her silver backpack on and looked completely packed. I, on the other hand, was most defiantly not packed.

We got to the hill where the Golden Fleece hung on Thalia's pine tree and decided to make a plan.

Nico would shadow travel us as long as he could. If both he and Andy shadow traveled us together they would both be weak at the same time, if only one person shadow traveled the other could still get everyone out of somewhere if something happened.

Where were we going? I had no idea.

Apparently we needed to find Apollo, but we didn't know where to find him we also needed to find a stone fortress, or something like that.

I snapped back to present when Nico called for everyone to gather around and hold hands in a circle. I grabbed Nico's hand and Scarlets, and I felt myself collapsing into darkness. I grabbed Nico's hand tighter, I hated shadow traveling. I felt like someone grabbed me, stuffed me in a sack, squirted ink all over me, and then dragged my through icy water after dumping me on a roller coaster.

Soon we appeared in a grassy park next to a fountain and I collapsed on the ground, clutching my stomach. This time had been even worse.

Scarlet shot me a slightly concerned look but she was too busy arguing with Andy to say anything. Nico was on the ground beside me, his face was paler then normal and he looked drained.

"Where are we?" I gasped. Nico turned to me, "A town in Georgia called Savannah. In Forsyth Park. Its the oldest city in the U.S." I nodded and stood up, trying to ignore my rolling stomach. I crouched back down next to Nico, "You okay?" He groaned. "Not really, if we have to fight I won't be able to lift a finger." I laughed and it seemed to clear away some of the fogginess in my head.

I walked over to Andy and Scarlet, "Okay guys! What's the plan?" Scarlet glared at Andy. "Me and her," Scarlet jabbed her thumb in the direction of Andy, "are going to Leopold's Ice Cream and are looking for Apollo. Why he would be there? I don't really know, Artemis suggested we look for him there. You'll stay here and watch Nico, he can't fend of any monster attacks now." I nodded, a bit put out that I don't get to do anything, but still happy. This way I get to recover from the shadow traveling.

I went back to Nico, who was sitting on the edge of the fountain now, and told him the plan.


A few hours later the sun was setting and Andy and Scarlet weren't back yet. Nico had curled up on the ground and was sleeping. I was dragging my hand through the water in the fountain. My head shot up when I heard a hissing sound. When I looked up I cursed.

How had I let them ambush us? Several venti surrounded us and a few earthborn as well, but the biggest threat was Thorne.

He was a manticore that Percy and Annabeth had fought in the Titan war. I hadn't thought he survived. He was the first monster Nico ever saw, and the monster that had attacked Andy.

I kept up from my seat on the fountain, I looked around for Andy and Scarlet, they should be here by now. I saw them running as fast as they could towards us, but they wouldn't be here in time. I clicked my bracelet ends together and soon held my sword in my hands. I shook Nico awake with my foot.

He opened his eyes and took in our surroundings. He tried to stand up but only managed to drag himself onto the edge of the fountain. "Give up girl, it's hopeless." Thorne hissed, his curled, spiky tail slashed through the air. I shook my head. "Never!" I growled back.

I checked where Andy and Scarlet were before looking back to Thorne. When I did, I nearly jumped out of my skin. Skeletons were crawling out of the ground more hands erupting and dragging themselves out of the dirt. I glanced at Nico and saw that he was even paler. The skeletons gave me toothy smiles and attacked Thorne.

While they restrained Thorne I wirled through the monsters ranks. Cutting and slicing through the monsters, leaving a trail of monster dust behind me. I was stretching myself to my limits. I blasted monsters with water from the fountain if they went near Nico. I felt myself growing tired. A few more monsters remained, and I was about to finish them off if I could when I heard Andy and Scarlet join the battle. More monsters appeared and I forced my tired, sleep deprived self to continue attacking the monsters.

The fight seemed to be endless. More Venti joined the battle from the sky, I saw Chimera battling Scarlet as well. Chimera was Part lion, part goat, and had a green snake head as a tail, Scarlet tricked Chimera to blast fire at the Hydra, after she cut of its heads.

Soon there seemed to be no more monsters joining the fight. Nico's head was slumped against the edge of the now broken fountain, but I saw him breathing so I relaxed and lopped the head of a very confused looking earthborn.

I turned around and rage filled me. I saw Thorne almost to Nico, I saw his eyes flutter open and then he lifted his arms as if to stop him. The skeletons were trying to trap Thorne again and I saw it was going to be too late. I saw black spots dance across my vision.

I was losing control, any second now I was going to explode from the force of it. I ran. I reached Nico as Thorne slashed down with his tail, his different color eyes glaring at me. "No!" I yelped. I threw myself in front of Nico my sword clattered to the ground and I felt the manticores tail slash down at my stomach. I collapsed.

Nico's eyes widened as he looked at me. I struggled to get up, then dropped back down onto the ground as I saw Thorne's head get chopped off his body. He exploded in slimy monster dust. All the other monsters turned into dust as well as silver arrows sprouted out of their heads or chests. I felt blood soaking through my shirt. and my head felt light. Andy and Scarlet appeared at my side.

They started to say things to me but I couldn't hear. I just saw them moving their mouths. I saw darkness take over my vision but the last thing I saw was Nico, Andy, and Scarlet gathered around me. A tear dripped down Scarlets face and dimly I felt her wrapping bandages around my stomach. Then I dropped into darkness.

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