I Try Not To Die (story of my life)

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Scarlets pov.

I leapt over the fallen log. And dodged tree. I jumped into the air, notched an arrow, aimed, and shot it right into the cyclops' heart. Loud howling came from behind me. I turned and saw my large grey hunting wolf named silver.

" Yeah I know we got off track, but that was so much fun, and we still can get to camp on time." I grumbled then glanced down at my watch. It was a communication device.

Only an hour ago it held the punk face of my superior, Thalia. Now all that was there was the hands saying almost noon, and my reflection. Short blond hair in a bob with bangs, not side bangs, and a few braids scattered around. I had the tall narrow athletic build of a swimmer and full lips. Mostly what people saw when they looked at me were my stormy grey Athena eyes surrounded by no makeup. I started walking back to the trail.

It was calm and peaceful now in the forest. The kind of peace that made me glad I was a hunter. Well, sort of. See when I came to camp I was given a choice. Hunter or camper. I was like, live forever, improve my archery, get to meet Artemis, and never have to see a boy again. Sign me up! But it wasn't that simple. I had a twin. I thought she was a mortal. Soon we found out she was a daughter of Poseidon. She wanted to be a camper so she could still see Nico, Her boyfriend. I knew I could never choose between her or the hunters. So Artemis made a compromise; I stayed at camp during the summer when my sister was there, and during the winter I was a third in command.

Silver ,who I rescued, could be mine and help get me safe to camp. Right now I was on my way to see my twin, Makai. Truthfully she is not my twin. Along time ago Robert seeder and Sarah seeder were born. Twins. They grew up and their parents died in a car accident when they were nineteen. They were the only kids. They bought a house together and shared it. Sarah met a man at the sea, her favorite place, and Thomas met a woman at the collage he worked in. On the same day, Sarah gave birth to a girl, Athena's head opened to another. The girls were raised thinking Thomas was their father, and Sarah was their mother. Sarah named her child Makai and Thomas named his Scarlet. Thats how we are twins. I always thought it was ironic how I was Scarlett and she had red hair.

" Come on Andy" A voice came out of the bushes. Makai voice! I gently wistled for silver and I crept towards the voice. Makai probably had Nico with her because there was a strange aura of death. I stumbled into a clearing with a huge warehouse. Creeping up I glanced in a window. Makai and some death girl with a battle axe were walking up to a pile of boxes. It was a trap. Death girl walked up to the boxes and a rope grabbed her ankle and hauled her up. Makai snatched up her sword and started disintegrating monsters. I notched three arrows and let fly all at once hitting three laistrygonians.

" Silver, guard the door. Don't let any more in" I shouted. I shot four more before leaping through the window. I was behind the boxes so the monsters couldn't see me. Element of surprise. I had to let Makai know I was here. I reached up and double tapped my fish hook neclace she gave me and instantly I was holding two triangular throwing knives the size of my palm. I spun it, then lashed out my arm throwing with precision. It hit a wood beam right next to her. She glanced at it and nodded, then grinned. Death girl had cut through the rope and fell on her head. A venti came up and hit her over the head with a crowbar. She was unconscious. He was going to suffocate her.

"Makai help her" I shouted

"I am a bit busy!" she retorted. Death girl will die in about two minutes. I have to help her. I leapt over the boxes and notched my last four arrow and drove them into some emposis hearts. I grabbed my dagger off of my thigh and threw it into a laistrygonian. The venti was killing her but he was not solid. If I did anything, I would kill death girl. I had only my thowing knife left. Suddenly I had a plan. A stupid plan. One that could kill me. But I could save death girl. I aimed my knife and shattered the flood light. Darkness filled the warehouse. I used my watch to call Artemis.

"Scarlett what is wrong" she asked.

"No time for that. I need you to shine moonlight through the watch." I pleaded. A bright silver light flooded tthrough my watch, Strength filled me. I removed my watch and set it in the ground.

"Artemis! I call the power of Zoë. In this time of trouble I sacrifice me for my friends. Make my enimies vulnerable." The light shone on me and I pointed to the venti. The light redirected off of me on to the venti and he solidified, backing away from Death girl. I snatched an arrow off the ground and shot it. He screamed and then vanished to tarterus. Then everything went black.

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