The Punishment Should Fit the Crime

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"Disobeying the orders of the clan head is a serious offense, and I believe it deserves a serious punishment. We should give them thirty lashes and confine them in their rooms for an entire month," said Wu Wei. He was glaring at Wu Jian and Wu Meiying as if their very presence was an insult to his ancestors. His words also made the blood drain from Wu Jian's face.

Lashing was a punishment typically reserved for someone who had disgraced the family. The offender was stripped bare, tied to a post, and given lashes with a whip in front of the entire clan. Wu Jian had only seen someone get lashed once in his entire life. The person in question had killed someone during a sparring match out of jealousy and rage. They were lashed, then had their family name stripped from them, and were sent into exile.

What was his name again? Wu Quan? Qing? I can't remember.

It happened when he was just three years-old, so the memory was fuzzy.

"I believe Elder Wei's punishment is far too harsh," said Wu Jinsu. He tapped his finger against his armrest as he spoke. "While disobeying the clan head is indeed a serious matter, what they have done is no better or worse than what many of us have done in the past. Do you not remember when I disobeyed the previous clan head? He told me not to sneak into Wu Mulan's room, but I did anyway. A far more serious offense than what these two have done. I was not given thirty lashes and confined for committing such an offense. Why should they?"

Wu Wei seemed surprised that Wu Jinsu would stick up for Wu Jian and Wu Meiying, for his eyes widened, but then they narrowed in anger as he slammed his hand into the armrest.

"When you disobeyed your father, it was merely because of your feelings for a woman," he said with a snarl. "Wu Jian and Wu Meiying endangered everyone by climbing that mountain as they did. Are you seriously telling me such a dangerous action doesn't deserve a severe punishment?"

"They have no idea what is up there. You cannot tell me that their ignorance should be punished when we ourselves are the reason for it," Wu Jinsu said in a mild voice.

"I agree with Wu Wei," said the second oldest among the elders. Wu Nin looked between the people present to make sure they were all paying attention to him. "Yes, it is true they are ignorant, but that still doesn't excuse the fact that Wu Jian and Wu Meiying disobeyed the clan head and exposed us to danger."

It sounded like there was something dangerous on the mountain that he, Wu Meiying, and the rest of the Wu Clan were unaware of—but the elders and clan head probably knew about it. Wu Jian wondered what sort of danger was located on that mountain. However, right now, he could not afford to even think about going back to discover it, whatever it was. He needed to survive his punishment before thinking about anything else.

He kept his head bowed and continued to listen as the elders discussed his and Wu Meiying's punishment.

"Is that really the reason you are so adamant about punishing him?" asked Wu Jinsu.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Wu Wei, narrowing his eyes.

Wu Jinsu spread his arms and smiled placatingly. "I mean nothing by it. I was just noticing that other clan members have committed similar offensives and not been punished this badly. I simply cannot help but wonder if you want to punish them for reasons beyond what they did."

"Are you accusing me of being unjust?!" asked Wu Wei.

"You are the one who said it, not me," Wu Jinsu said.

Wu Jian was surprised by how Wu Jinsu was sticking up for them; it was enough to make him wonder if he had misjudged the man.

While he was the clan heir, Wu Jian didn't have many dealings with the elders, so he didn't know what kind of people they were, but he always had this image of them being stuffy old codgers who were too caught up in their own power to see what was beyond their noses. Of course, his opinions were based on Wu Meiying's opinions. She did not like the elders. He had the feeling she did not like elders period, regardless of what clan they hailed from.

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