Tian Hao

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Wu Jian froze. He was almost certain he had heard this woman wrong. Tempted to ask her what she meant, he opened his mouth, but then he snapped it shut just as quickly. He was unable to think up a proper response.

Who the heck is this woman?

"Oi! Did you not hear me? Are you deaf? I told you to come with me," the woman snapped. As if she was fed up with his inability to reply, she reached out as though to grab him, but two people intercepted her before she could so much as touch him. They stood between the two and glared at the woman.

"Excuse me. I don't know who you think you are, but do not think for one second that I will allow you to touch my Jian. Make him your plaything? Don't make me laugh," Wu Meiying said with a derisive scoff.

"You may be an alchemist, but that doesn't mean you can just do whatever you please. There are still laws you must abide by. Taking a citizen of the Shang Kingdom by force is a crime, and it won't go unpunished. I recommend you rethink your decision here," Hou Jingshu added.

The alchemist woman's face contorted in anger. Her fake beauty was marred by an ugly scowl.

"Who do you brats think you are? Do you think you can speak to an alchemist like me in such a condescending tone? You kids are but tiny frogs in a small well. You look up at the sky and think that's all that exists, unaware that there is a world much larger than your narrow field of view. Hmph. You are lucky I'm so magnanimous. I'll allow this transgression but once in light of your ignorance... but that's only if the boy comes with me."

The three kids found themselves in a quandary they didn't know how to get out of. Neither Wu Meiying nor Hou Jingshu had any intention of letting this woman have Wu Jian, and he didn't have the intention to go with her, but this woman was not only an alchemist but also a cultivator. It was impossible for an alchemist to not be a cultivator since chi was required to refine pills. Even if she was simply at the Hunger Realm, she was still tens of times stronger than they were.

That was simply the difference between realms.

As they were trying to figure out what to do, another voice spoke up. "How imprudent. Do you believe that you can do whatever you please just because you're an alchemist?"

The crowd suddenly parted like a cultivator cutting the sea as a figure walked into the square. Dressed in a black hanfu with silver dragons traveling across the fabric, face stern and uncompromising, the person who spoke was none other than Wu Jian's father. Standing on either side of him were his two wives. Wu Taohua silently glared at the woman who had been trying to kidnap him. Mother, on the other hand, looked like she was seconds away from verbally laying into the alchemist.

I've never seen Mother look so upset. Her expression is... kind of frightening.

The alchemist went red in the face as she snarled at the trio. "Just who do you people think you are?! Do you not know who I am? I'm Tian Hao! I'm an alchemist who came all the way from Dahua City to sell alchemist pills to your miserable hick town. Do not think for one second that I will put up with you disgracing me like this!"

Father snorted as he crossed his arms. "I do not care who or what you are. I'm not about to let you have my son."

He, Wu Taohua, and Mother all stepped between Wu Jian and this woman. Seeing this, Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu moved to Wu Jian's sides and held his arms in a tight grip. A standoff occurred between the trio and this woman, who finally seemed to be showing some nervousness. A trail of sweat trickled down her face as she took a step back.

It was at this time that the young man who had been selling items came over. No one was buying anything anymore, drawn as they were by the confrontation taking place. He walked over to the woman and smiled amiably at Father. Of course, Father met this man's smile with a glare that could have melted iron.

Severing Time & SpaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora