Chapter 14: Drown With Me

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When it was over and Knuckles about to destroy her, knowing it was time for their friendship to end, she suddenly saw Robotnik was approaching the Master Emerald and ready to reach out his arms.

"Knuckles, stop! Robotnik is stealing the emerald!" Tris shouted, pointing at where Robotnik was doing.

"What kind of fool do you take me for?" Knuckles questioned her in an angry tone.

"Just look!" As she watched Knuckles spun around with a giant boulder in his hands, his violet eyes gone widening when he saw him reaching out his arms and about to steal it.

"Wait!" Knuckles shouted as he dropped the boulder, "That wasn't the deal!"

He scowled with a glaring look on his face. "You poor naive creature. It's not your fault that a more advanced intellect like me would have seen this move coming from a mile away, or 1.6 kilometers!"

"But I trusted you! You were my friend!" Knuckles shouted. Deep down he was angry, disappointed, and hated as his voice went emotion in lines, and Tris felt bad for him.

Then he laughed out and mocked him, "I'm sorry, that just hit me funny. Let this be my final lesson to you, you dimwitted celestial skin tag. Friends are open, honest, and vulnerable with each other. This means that X squared times the hypotenuse of Y squared divided by the absolute value of friendship equals. DOOKIE!" As an energy surge was unleashed, Robotnik absorbed the Master Emerald as he warped away in a flash that causes the temple to crumble.

With water flooding into the crumbling temple, Tris started to flee. However, she then noticed that Knuckles has been pinned down by a pillar, unable to get free on his own and losing consciousness in the rising water. Hitching a ride on a falling boulder, however, Tris got down to Knuckles and tried moving the pillar. As Knuckles then came around, they worked together to remove the pillar, allowing Knuckles to escape to the surface. Tris, however, being unable to swim, almost drown, but is saved at the last moment by the familiar red echidna.

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