Chapter 13: Friends To Enemies

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Back in Hawaii, Tris was at the coastline. Despite her dislike of water, she pulled herself together and charged up her chaotic energy, before running at full speed across the sea towards the temple. However, the rough waves make it hard for Tris to navigate, and she eventually crashed into a wave. Fortunately, she woke up soon after on the island with the Master Emerald's temple in front of it.


Inside the said temple, Robotnik, Knuckles, and some Badniks are making their way through a labyrinth of traps, barely managing to stay one step ahead of the local traps. Along the way, Robotnik's accompanying Badniks are destroyed by the traps. After just barely avoiding getting crushed by a spiked ball and swinging axe, Robotnik decided that they should approach the labyrinth more scientifically and so deployed a miniature Badnik from his glove that scans the labyrinth ahead of them, which Robotnik used to form a holographic map with his control glove for them to follow.


Elsewhere, Tris entered the labyrinth, and decided to run through it at high speed in hopes of reaching the center, either moving too fast for the traps or barely dodging them along the way.


Meanwhile, Robotnik and Knuckles reached the center of the temple after the red echidna punched down a wall. Seeing the Master Emerald's pedestal ahead of them, Knuckles proclaimed that order will be restored thanks to their collaboration.

As Robotnik prepared to backstab Knuckles with his control glove's taser, however, they heard Tris speed through the labyrinth before coming crashing through the roof and landing in front of them.

"Nailed it." Tris coughed out, covered in bruises.

Robotnik scoffed, "This girl is always trying to spoil a bad thing!" With that, he put his glove teaser away as Knuckles was furious at her.

"You guys are here, too?" Tris asked as she approached them, "Took a long way, huh?"

"Is everything a joke to you!? Why you must constantly interfere with my destiny!?" Knuckles said in anger.

"Because my destiny is to protect my friends and family!" Tris argued.

"I think I just threw up in my mouth." Robotnik muttered.

"And if you want that emerald, then you'll have to go through me!" Then Tris then speeded for the Master Emerald, but Knuckles intercepted her, and they two engage in an intense fight. As Tris and Knuckles clashed, the tide of battle constantly shifting, Robotnik got to the Master Emerald.

As Knuckles got Tris pinned down and about to end her with a giant boulder, "Say goodbye, hedgehog."

Suddenly, Tris looked over and saw Robotnik was about to steal the Master Emerald, which she knows he was betraying Knuckles.

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