Chapter 2: Blue Justice Twins

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Robotnik, or should I say Eggman, has been stuck in the Mushroom Planet since he was defeated by Sonic and Tris, but he would begin the daily routines he had established for himself, musing about getting revenge on Sonic, before turning his attention to his masterpiece.

Having wasted an energy beacon from the parts of his Eggpod in hopes of producing an energy signal that would attract the attention of that off-world Robotnik would hook Sonic's chaos energy-infused quill up to his device to power it. Upon doing so, however, he unleashed an energy pulse that knocked him unconscious.

Hours later, some alien scavengers appeared from a Ring on the Mushroom Planet and found the unconscious body of Robotnik.

When they reached for Sonic's quill, however, Robotnik woke up and took the scavengers out with traps that he had set up before-handed. However, when he headed for the Ring portal in an attempt to escape the Mushroom Planet, he found his way barged by Knuckles the Echidna.

When Knuckles gazed upon the human man who holds Sonic's quill, he began questioning him with a glaring look, "Where did you get that?"

He smirked as he show it to him, "From the blue menace twins on the planet called earth." He responded as Knuckles still glared at him with a hatred look. As he smirked, he continued, "I'd be happy to show you away."


"Tris! Tris, wake up!"

Tris wakes up in a flash of panic, her green eyes full of fear. She looked around a little disoriented at first until she remembers that she was at the Wachowski House. It has been a few months since Eggman was defeated and the Green Hill was settling in peace. They were glad Eggman was gone for good after a fun adventure with their adoptive father, Tom Wachowski.

Of course, Tom Wachowski is the sheriff of Green Hills, who soon befriends them, but later adopts them as his own fresh of blood. They even called him Donut Lord as well.

She remembered when they met Tom, he sought to move to San Francisco for new opportunities to protect others from danger. Before his relocation, however, he befriended the hedgehog twins, who helped them realize his importance as a hero to the citizens he has worked with for years. Eventually, after helping them dispose of Dr. Robotnik, he was convinced to stay in Green Hills, where he took them in as a part of the Wachowski family. While living with them, Tom and his wife, Maddie, became parents figure to the hedgehog twins. 

Right now, when she woke up in the middle of the night, Tris gave him a glaring look when she looked tired.

"Sonic, what is it what you want?" She groaned in annoyance.

"Come on, Tris! We're going on an adventure together! We're going out tonight to save the world!" Sonic exclaimed excitedly as he lowered his voice quietly.

She groaned again as she rolled over the bed and tried to sleep. "Sonic, no! Not this again! We promised Donut Lord and Maddie that we won't do it again!"

"Oh, come on, Tris! Please! You know we would make Longclaw proud when she sees that we're superheroes! You know we're Blue Justice Twins!" With a sad look on his face, Tris couldn't help but feel bad, but she didn't want to break any promises, especially lying to Tom and Maddie. Even though, she wanted Longclaw to be proud when she's still alive.

She sighed in defeat then grinned at her older twin brother. "Fine. I'm coming with you, but we have to be at home at three."

"Great! Now let's go, Tris!" Then he watched her getting out of the bed and ready to save the day.

As such, the hedgehog twins would sneak out several times and lie to Tom and Maddie about it, attempting recklessly to prove their worth as heroes. Whenever Tom discovered them, however, they would have talked about it, although her twin brother Sonic did not refrain from his escapades. 

During one night in Seattle in particular, Sonic and Tris intruded on the Seattle Police Department's chase after some armed bank robbers who had hijacked an armored money truck.

Though Sonic took out the robbers and got behind the truck's wheel, he was unable to stop the truck and ended up setting off the robbers' bombs. Although Tris got rid of the bombs, they would cause massive destruction by disposing of them in a garbage truck and the sewage system.

Eventually, Sonic stopped the truck by taking it apart at super speed. Having deemed their heroics successful despite the bystanders' claims to the contrary, Sonic and Tris declared loudly to the public that no thanks were needed for Blue Justice Twins before heading home.

A/N: This is what Tris looks like.

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