Chapter 12: Ready For Moment

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While Tom, Sonic, Tris, and Tails are taken into the hotel, Sonic and Tris' only concern was Tails' wellbeing.

Meanwhile, Maddie and Rachel scoop out the hotel, which is infested with G.U.N. agents. Maddie then decided to go after Tom, Tris, and Sonic while an emotionally unstable Rachel wanted to get Randall. Arming themselves with Tails' gadgets, the two head for the hotel.

Upon encountering their first agent, Rachel threw a gadget that send the agent flying high into the sky, allowing them to proceed.

Eventually, find the place where Sonic, Tris, and Tom are held, Maddie and Rachel split up to find their respective targets. Just as Maddie entered the hotel, however, she was surrounded by G.U.N. agents.

Fortunately, Rachel came to the rescue with a flying homing gadget from Tails that knocked the agents out, allowing Maddie to continue. Meanwhile, Randall, remorseful over what he did to Rachel, try to have a toast with Walters, only for the flying agent to come back down and warn them of Maddie and Rachel's attack.

Immediately after, a furious Rachel arrived in a golf cart, crashing the set pieces while amazing Randall with her passion.

As Randall tried explaining himself to an understandably upset Rachel however, Walters threatened her with a taser pistol. When Rachel refused to back down though, Walters took his shot, only for Randall to take the shot for her.

While Walters was disappointed in Randall, he nonetheless aimed at Rachel. Rachel, however, took out a ray gun made by Tails and made Walters surrender when she blew her wedding cake to pieces with it, showing she has the better firepower.

Rachel then confronted Randall, asking if their love was ever real. Randall then admitted that while he did not think he could love others, he still ended up falling in love with her. With that, they both forgive each other and they kiss.

Back inside the hotel, Maddie found and freed Sonic, Tris, Tom, and an unconscious Tails.


Meanwhile, Robotnik, Knuckles, and some Badniks arrived at an island not too far from there via a Ring. Using his control glove's scanner, Robotnik located a pedestal in the sand which Knuckles inserted the compass into. Soon after, a mystical mechanism was activated, and the sea in front of them split apart to reveal an ancient temple in the middle of it.


Back in Hawaii, Maddie was tending to the unconscious Tails when she, Sonic, Tris, Tom, and a bound and gagged Walters noticed storm clouds and a green pillar of energy on the horizon.

With Sonic and Tris recognizing it as a sign that Robotnik and Knuckles have found the Master Emerald, Tom suggested that they make a plan together. Tris, however, being the only one fast enough to get there, insists on going alone.

"I'll go alone," Tris responded to them with a glaring look.

"Tris, no! You can't! We can't let you do this alone!" With Tom, Maddie, and Sonic disagree on Tris, but Sonic was upset over having screwed up his moment and feeling guilty over nearly getting Tails killed, refused to let others get involved and hurt because of them.

"But I have to, guys. Knuckles is my best friend and I can't let that happen again. Sonic, I know we both screwed up our moments, but it's never too late. It's my turn now and just let me go. I have to go out there and save the day." Suddenly, Tris used her speed power to find Knuckles and Robotnik.

With Tris gone, Tails woke up immediately after, and tried to follow Tris, but is too weak. Sonic, Tom, and Maddie try telling Tails to take it easy, but Tails told them that they have no idea what Tris is up against. Tom and Maddie thus turn to Walters, whom they get to believe now.

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