Chapter 1: Two Bright Suns

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"Ouch! Stupid thorns!"

A little blue female hedgehog named Tris wailed in slight pain after she tried to pick her favorite flower rose and her tiny finger started to bleed. She glared at her finger as it started to bleed out. She needed to give a rose to her mentor, Longclaw.

Yes, Longclaw, she is an owl warrior and an adoptive mother to her other twin brother, Sonic.

Longclaw was the last of the owls, an order of heroes who had been fighting the echidnas for centuries over  Master Emerald, the most powerful weapon in the universe, which the owls had hidden away on a distant planet called Earth. As the last of her kind, Longclaw served as the guardian of Master Emerald and the keeper of its secrets.

On Mobius, she is now an elderly owl, who would take care of the twins, Sonic and Tris,  during their childhood, living with them on a distant island. From early on, Longclaw urged them to keep their extraordinary powers hidden. Being kids, however, Sonic and Tris did the opposite.

As Tris walked through the path in the middle of the forest, she heard a sobbing voice coming in her direction. She gasped as she spun around and saw a young red echidna sitting on a boulder, crying. She could see the tears falling down his face. She figured he looks lonely and hurt. She knew he wanted a friend, but she was told by Longclaw not to talk to strangers. But all she ever wanted was to make friends. She has never made friends before! So is Sonic! However, they also were told to stay away from the echidnas.

Suddenly, Tris slowly approached him shyly as she slid through the bushes and gazed upon a red echidna.

"H-Hey... Are you okay?" Tris asked without greeting him. She gave him a worried look as she kept approaching him slowly.

Then he flinched and brought out his spear as he aimed at her, preparing for a fight. "Who are you!?" He growled, glaring at the young hedgehog that he never met before, "And what are you doing here in our territory!?"

Tris flinched back, eyeing at the tip of his blade a spear. She sweatdropped, raising her hands and saying, "Hey, I'm not here to fight! I just want to talk to you! I promise I won't hurt you or lie to you!"

He narrowed his violet eyes. "Why should I believe you?"

"Because I'm just a friend," Tris replied, giggling as she scratched the back of her head.

"A friend?" He said in a stern voice.

"Yeah! You know, you and I were so to be friends. Two friends who like to talk to each other! Even though I never had friends before and I figured you don't have one either."

He blinked. "A friend?"

She nodded. "Yep. I never made friends and never have them before, especially I don't have parents as well."

A young red echidna gazed upon her, lowering his spear. "Does that mean your parents are dead?"

"Probably, but I don't know about them. Probably when I was a baby when my parents gave me away before they vanished." Tris told him.

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that." He muttered shyly.

She grinned. "It's okay, and by the way, why are you crying?"

He looked away as his face glowed with the heat of blush. "W-Well... It's complicated, but I got bullied by the other echidnas because they didn't want to play with me and I guess I'm fine with that."

Tris could tell she could see a sorrowful look on his face. She felt bad for him for not having friends. She couldn't believe they would mistreat this poor echidna. Especially they didn't want him their friend. She was mad, but one day when she eats his peer, she would beat them up for him. Then she wanted this red echidna to be her friend. Tris would be happy to have him as her first friend.

"Don't say that." She let out her small glove hand and placed it on his left shoulder, still gazing at him, "Why would you say that you're fine for being bullied? I'll be your friend."

He blinked. "R-Really?"

She grinned. "Yeah. Ever since I never made friends, I thought maybe you could be my friend."

Then he began to smile with a shy look. "Thank you..."

"By the way, I'm Tris. Tris the hedgehog. And you are?"

He blushed a bit. "I'm Knuckles. Knuckles the echidna."

"Nice to meet you, Knuckles!" Tris said happily as she took his large hand and took it. She heard Knuckles chuckle with reaction as he shook her small hand gently. Tris was happy that she found a new friend.


Tris and Knuckles have been friends for a couple of weeks since they first met. They were happy together, but one day, Tris had made a friendship bracelet for Knuckles at home as she headed her way to meet him in the clear forest. She used her power of speed then stood in the meadow field. As she waited, she felt a soft talk on her shoulder as she spun around and saw Knuckles standing in front of her with a smile.

"Knuckles!" She said happily.

"Are you waiting for me?" Knuckles asked, grinning.

She smiled. "Yes, I am."

Then he eyed at her hands behind her back, noticing she was hiding something. "What's that behind your back?"

Tris blushed softly as she brought a wrist bracelet and says, "Um, Knuckles, ever since we were best friends, I have been wanting to give this to you. A friendship bracelet."

Knuckles gasped as he lightly took and stared at it that it has his and her names on it or 'Friends Till The End' on it as well. He looked at her and his eyes formed with tears. "I love it, I'll treasure it forever! Thank you so much, Tris!" He exclaimed as he hugged her tightly.

Tris hugged him back. "I'm glad you loved it."

"Hey, Tris?"

"Hm?" She asked.

He faced her and asked her, "When anything happens to us, when we both never see each other again, will you ever remember me?"

Tris smiled. "Yes, Knuckles. I will always remember you."


On that fateful day, the echidnas managed to locate Longclaw whom they prepared to go after to get her secrets on Master Emerald. While Knuckles wished to join his tribe in their battle, his father told him to remain behind and await the true moment where he would honor his tribe. However, Knuckles' father and his tribe died on that very day, leaving Knuckles as the last of the echidnas.


At the same time, when Sonic and Tris returned to Longclaw from a run across the island to give her a flower, they were attacked by a tribe of echidnas seeking their powers.

As Longclaw escaped with Sonic and Tris, however, she got hit by an arrow, thus keeping her from flying. As such, she resorted to her Rings. Using one, she opened a portal to Earth for Sonic and Tris to escape through.

Despite their reluctance to go without Longclaw, they received her bag of Rings nonetheless and were instructed to stay in hiding on Earth no matter what. After they went through the portal, however, they saw Longclaw bidding the twins farewell before making a stand against the echidna tribe to keep them from crossing the portal.

Sonic tried to come back for her, but the Ring closed right before him before he could get through.

Sonic and Tris knew they have lost everything. Hopefully, Tris wouldn't forget about Knuckles, or would it?

A/N: This is my second attempt and rewriting Knuckles Love Story. Hope you guys like it.

Strong Bond Souls // Knuckles x Oc [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن