Chapter 9: Another Chase

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Not long after, Sonic and Tris are being carried through the mountains by Tails, who has pinpointed the coordinates on the map. There, they find an ancient temple inside a mountainside Heading into the temple, the pair finds a wall with ancient inscriptions.

"Welp, this is it, you guys. This is where we could find the key." Tris said to the boys, walking and looking around.

"Yeah, right?" Sonic murmured, looking around as well.

Upon Sonic's inquiry, Tails began translating it, revealing that ages ago, the fearsome warriors of the echidna tribe forged the seven Chaos Emeralds into the most unstoppable weapon ever created: the Master Emerald. With it, a single warrior could defeat entire armies. Believing that no one should have such power, an ancient order of heroes, the owls, recovered the Emerald and swore to protect it from evil, thereby sparking a centuries-long conflict between these two orders.

Heading deeper into the temple, Sonic, Tris, and Tails find a giant owl statue with inscribed slots on it. Recognizing the symbols on the slots from Longclaw's map, Sonic aligned the symbols like those on the map. This triggered a mystical mechanism that hands the compass leading to the Master Emerald to Sonic.

"Um... guys. We're being spotted...!" Tris said, pointing at the red dot where it pointed at Tails' forehead.

"What?" Sonic said in shock. The three turned around and unfortunately, they didn't notice that Robotnik and Knuckles arrive in the temple in the Egg Mobile immediately after with Badniks, who destroy the door out of the temple.

"Uh oh...!" Tris said in a panic. With Robotnik and Knuckles determined to take the compass.

After some banter, Robotnik fired a missile that Sonic redirected into the owl state, causing the temple to start caving in and open a way for them.

"We need to get out of here, Sonic!" Tris shouted as the twins are heading for the exit, they snatched a panel from a Badnik that they destroyed, before he, Tris, and Tails reach a steep drop off a mountainside.

With Tails taking the high route, Sonic headed down the mountain on the panel like a snowboard. However, the Badniks pursue and open fire on the twins, with Tails unable to get close due to the fire and Robotnik.

Meanwhile, Knuckles, who got stuck in the temple, has escaped and used another piece from a Badnik like a snowboard to pursue Sonic and Tris.

Meanwhile, Sonic used snowballs at high speed to throw off his pursuers, only to run into another swarm of them. However, Sonic managed to dodge them all at super-speed before using a Buzz Bomber to destroy the others. Little did he know, he accidentally got separated from his twin sister.

Oh, no! Tris! Sonic thought in panic.

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