Chapter 3: Promises Are Made

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Running back to Green Hills, Montana, Sonic and Tris greeted Wade at the speed trap before hurrying up to a mountaintop and saying hello to Green Hills from afar. They then ran back to the Wachowski house and sneaks into their rooms, only to notice that Sonic got some dirty banknotes stuck to his shoes. Putting them away in a drawer to avoid raising suspicion, Sonic takes a look at the map of safe worlds that Longclaw gave him, with a feather from Longclaw falling out of it.

Reminiscing Longclaw, Sonic tells her that he and Tris miss her and that he is trying to make her proud.

Putting the map and feather away in his pouch, the twins go to bed, but then Ozzie and Maddle come in, "Sonic? Tris? Are you two still in bed? You're supposed to meet Tom, remember?" Maddie asked, smiling. Having no choice, Sonic and Tris got up.


Later, Sonic, Tris, and Tom are out fishing on a lake. As Tom tries having a nice conversation with them though, he notices that Sonic has fallen asleep and Tris looking so tired.

"How's it going there? Did you get any bites?" Tom asked.

"No..." Tris said tiredly as she tried to stay awake. Then she heard Sonic snoring with a drooling mouth, which she sweatdropped. Soon after, Sonic fell into the water as the boat tilts. With Sonic unable to swim, Tom and Tris pulled him back into the boat.

As he helped Sonic dry off and Tris warm him up, however, "But now you have your nap and a bath, I went to your rooms last night to bring you some new comics and mangas, and umm..." Tom explained to them about last night when he has gone to their rooms and found the fake Sonic he saw with a recorder of Sonic's voice and fart noises.

"Ugh, I knew I should've used real farts." Sonic groaned.

Then Tom brought out a newspaper and show it to the twins, then hge began talking to them with a serious tone, "How many times do we have to do this?"

"What? Past your line and not catch anything? Seems like a rebellion."

"I think you know what I'm talking about. Lying? The sneaking out? Pretending to be Batman and Robin?" Tom said.

"Blue Justice, trademark pending." Sonic pointed it out.

"Whatever you're being reckless. And Tris, I know you're not, but you can't just follow your brother's footsteps." Tom scolded her with a serious look.

Tris nodded in response to the sheriff with a shameful look. Then she speaks to him, "I know, I'm sorry, but I tried to tell him not to go."

Then Sonic groaned with eyes rolling, "Ugh, not this conversation again."

"Hey, it's no fun for me either but if you keep getting irresponsible and getting Tris into a mess, we're going to keep having this conversation."

"Because someone has to keep an eye on you from messing up," Sonic argued.

Tom shows him a newspaper again, "Sonic, you destroyed the entire city block."

"Look, me and Tris stopped a robbery," Sonic said.

"Not entirely," Tris muttered, shaking her head with arms crossed.

"No, you put people and Tris in danger and that's not what heroes does," Tom argued.

Sonic sighed in frustration, "You're supposed to be my friend. Stop trying to be my dad."

Then a silence came as Tris looked away with the silent treatment. She turned her head back and faced them.

Sonic continued, "I can take care of myself. And I know Tris can take care of herself as well."

Tom sighed, "Sonic, taking care of yourself is not what a hero is all about. It's about taking responsibility for other people. And right now wherever you want to hear this or not, you are still a kid. You've got some more growing up to do before you're ready to be a hero. Trust me when I tell you there will come a time when your powers will be needed. But you don't choose that moment, that moment chooses you."

"Really?" Tris asked with a serious look.

"Whoa. Look at you. I just got... I just got goosebumps. Wait a second. Did you steal that from opera?" Sonic asked, teasing.

"No, sir. That is a Wachowski family special. Came from my dad, in this very boat, on this very lake. He would always try to steer me in the right direction. That's what Maddie and I were trying to do with you both." Tom said, smiling, "So until your moment arrives, I want you to work on being a little more responsible. Comprende?"

"Comprende." They said. The three then high-five, and Sonic celebrated by using his speed to push their boat ahead at high speed, much to Tom's dismay.

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