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Melrose and Necmi Laughlin.

Mel coughed lightly as he and Necmi had fallen into a blinding desert storm, their energy alone was sufficient to have the sand swerve around then, even the dusty air. "Where in Raziel are we?" Necmi muttered as he staggered to his feet then helped his love up aswell. "I have no idea." Mel replied as Necmi pulled him in for a hug. "I thought I lost you." The arch angel cried as Melrose wrapped his arms around Necmi, well tried to anyway. "I'd always find my way back to you." Mel comforted as he too cried, it felt good to be in his mates arms again. "I love you Khalil." Necmi pressed a kiss to Mel's head as he still kept his warm hug tightly in place.

"I'm in love with you, you know that." Mel stated with a chuckle as he appreciated the feel of his man in his arms, nothing on earth or wherever they were could change how much he loved Necmi. The larger angel sighed as he let go and smiled. "Can you find us a way out of here, you opened the door, can you open it again?" Necmi began as Mel held out his hand and tried to open the dimensional door but he couldn't find it. "I can't, it's as if it doesn't exist." Mel replied as he recounted how he opened it the first time. "It was a spur of the moment decision, I didn't even realize I was opening the door until I did." Mel explained as Necmi comforted him with a back rub. "It's fine baby, we're together, we can deal with whatever it is together." He soothed as the storm suddenly stopped and they were surrounded.

"Don't move!" A demon called out aiming a spear at Mel and the five others aimed theirs at Necmi, just because he was much larger. "You don't understand, we have no idea where we are." Mel tried to explain as black chains formed on his wrists restraining him. "Mel!" Necmi growled as he ripped the chains to pieces with pure force, and made a sphere of light encase him along with another one that he forced to grow, blinding their attackers allowing him to grab Mel and fly off with him. "Follow them!" He heard the demon yell and Mel had no choice but to try and port them away, he was successful but it seemed they still followed.

"How did they follow?" Necmi questioned as he now hovered in the sky above a mountain with Mel by his side. "No idea, but I have a feeling we need to know more." He replied as the two of them descended to where the demons were, they had human forms, Mel expected them to transform, instead they willed their power out through their weapons like hunters with sterlings. "Angels, you've killed and persecuted our kind for so long, now you mock us by entering our territory and expect us not to retaliate by killing you." The demon from before spoke again as he trained his katana at Mel. "You've got this all wrong, we're not from this reality, how do I explain this,—I opened a door to your world by mistake, that's why we were in your territory." Mel explained but they still didn't seem convinced.

From above a hail storm of ice shards appeared aimed not only at the demons but Necmi and Mel too, Necmi didn't think on it just acted, he created a light barrier and spread it over his mate and the demons protecting them from the shards. "Sympathizers will be killed!" A female voice screamed as fire rained down on them but Necmi's shield worked and was unharmed. "Does that atleast tell you something about us." Mel aimed his statement at the demon who frowned. "Babe, help." Necmi grunted as he pushed his shield outward and Mel released a beam of golden holy light aimed at the four angels assaulting them, Necmi followed by creating weapons made of light and shooting them at their opponents and on contact they exploded.

Mel charged lightning in the sky and made it rain on the angels, blazing white chains held the four angels scorching their skin as they struggled. Mel's wings appeared on his back, he made them shield the demons below as Necmi unleashed yellow light on the angels rendering them unconscious as a portal opened beneath them, and they were gone. Once the fight was over Necmi turned to his mate checking if he was harmed. "I'm fine Necmi." Mel protested as Necmi was satisfied with his prodding and lifting. "Come, you need to meet them." The demon who now they assumed was the leader stated as he held out his hand and they vanished.

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