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Harwin Academy
Arts Building.
Melrose Faith.

Mel knew he had to deal with everything that was going on, the Norway facility occupants, his friend Demier, Kean and the twins would be back soon, Angelo would be done with training and he needed to finish his list of things for the ball which was a day or two away, it didn't feel like it. So he walked into the arts building feeling the relief of the balance, Hamish had done it, which was something to be proud of. As he got to the fourth floor the familiar sounds of a grand piano and orchestra backing made it to his ears and standing by the doors, he could truly appreciate Cleo Reinheart, despite her obvious animosity against him at first which could be blamed on demon possession, —she was a brilliant pianist. "If you're going to stand there and admire, atleast have the decency of lending us your voice, nightingale of the east." Cleo stated surprising Mel, how she knew that was a wonder to Mel. "You are full of surprises, but I barely sing now —I've lost touch with my music." Mel replied modestly, he was lying ofcourse but that's because he wanted to bargain with the girl and hope she accepted.

"That's too bad." She exclaimed disappointedly. "If you've come to exact your punishment, I am ready." Cleo changed the topic as the orchestra instruments behind her all floated down and gently landed in their places. The notion that Melrose would come to get back at her was surprising, Mel had no wish to do so, he never thought to do so. "Listen Cleo, I'm not the kind of person to hold a grudge, carry it with me, —it would burden me, what happened to you, what that demon caused you to do, should've never happened and I am truly sorry that it did, and I came here to see if we could patch things up, —friends?" Mel explained as he finally walked up to the taller girl, she was surprised by his statement, anyone would be when the person you tried to kill offered you a hand at being friends. "Take it Cleo, we'd be much better as friends." Mel urged knowing where her hesitation came from, then she took his hand. "Friends." Cleo replied and Mel nodded with a chuckle. "So I have a proposal —I was hoping you would look it over." Mel explained as he drew out a two page contract and handed it to Cleo. The girl took her time to read it as the actual orchestra members walked into the large room for practise.

"You're kidding right, the previous headmaster just ordered us to do it, and the bush party you want me to dj?" She questioned her eyes wide in shock. "Well the current headmaster is not the previous one, also I threatened to take away my car if he didn't do what I wanted." Mel teased with a wink shocking Cleo even more but it was true, whatever he offered Cleo and her orchestra team he'd approved from Harry, who saw how beneficial it would be. "So you're telling me, we're getting paid to play, then whatever formal attire we choose the school will provide, plus I get to dj at the party and you'll pay for it?" She questioned and Mel nodded each time. "Great talent deserves to be recognized." Mel offered as the girl ran to her bag and rummaged around. "Somebody give me a bloody pen!" She yelled and they all hurried to find her one and give it to her and soon enough, the contract was signed. "We'll put on the best performance, —for that kind of dough I'd even man the flutes myself." Cleo asserted making Mel laugh heartily. "You're welcome Cleo." He sweetly replied as Cleo calmed down. "I've heard you sing, when I was a bit younger my father had us visit your home once in Oldenheim, there was someone singing, it was so enchanting, so beautiful that we didn't want you to stop, —you might downplay your gift but I know something like that can't be lost, the last or first song we will perform at the ball, I'm hoping you'll sing with us, because even my talent can't be compared to yours." Cleo stated as tears pooled in her eyes. Mel didn't hesitate to hug her and she reciprocated.

"I am so sorry Khalil Faith." She whispered in their embrace. "I forgive you Cleo, now be as feisty as the fire in your veins and announce the news to them, I'm sure they'd love to know." Mel replied as they parted and Cleo nodded with a smile and tears dry. "Everyone listen—!" Cleo announced as he walked out of the large room, as he turned the corner he could hear the cheers, —that had gone well. When he got down to the second floor lab everyone was busy. "Mel —your grace." Craig suddenly mumbled and the very air stilled when everyone suddenly froze at his appearance."Everyone it's okay I'm not here to execute anyone, but tell me whose in charge if Abe isn't here?" Mel questioned as Craig walked forward, the head of the arts lab on the second floor was Abe, it's why and how he was able to create those beautiful pieces with Angelo, one such piece was the chain around his neck.

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