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The Enrolment.

"You're more resilient than I thought." The gorgon shifter infront of Mel hissed as he held out his claws making the binds that held him down to the wooden chair burn and in turn making him hiss, this was exactly what Mel wanted, to make the demon feel as if he had the upper hand and thus susceptible to talking about his plans. "You've already put me through a round of torture, why not just kill me, it will make things easier for both of us." Mel suggested and a guttural growl came from the demon in front of him letting him know just how close he was, he only needed to press on a little further. "Mace Faith wouldn't like you killed little halfling, she wants you tortured until you're nice and tender then she'll slip one of her little parasites in you, and you'll dance like a puppet." The lumbering man responded without even knowing that he had given Mel the most vital information he needed, his aunt was behind the killings.

"I highly doubt a Faith would want anything to do with me, you might've gotten the wrong person." Mel taunted, probing for more. "Silence!" The demon growled backhand slapping him then showing off it's decaying yet sharp fangs in a tact to scare him, safe to say he was scared, just a little. "I never make mistake, she gave me a scent to track and it led to you, halfling little boy, let's have a little more screaming." He replied again with satisfying truth, now all he had to do was get him to answer one final question. "So ah—!" Mel paused as his whole body was subjected to painful waves of whatever the demon's venom conjured in the body, heaving and panting he looked to the now shifted demon, snakes for hair and lithe body covered in black scales. "She's been sending you to kill her family too." The boy asserted  hoping to get an answer.

"Hold it right there!" Someone in the shadows yelled aiming what seemed to be a gun at the gorgon, Mel groaned, he was about to get the answers he needed now this was happening, he was being interrupted. "You can go, I have it covered!" He responded back just as the gorgon shifted into a wolf and lunged for the girl with strawberry blonde hair as she was shooting at it, it was useless since the gorgon had a tough hide, another boy dropped from the ceiling of the warehouse he was in, using his blade he slashed right at the demon's neck, it worked in throwing it off not killing it. "Need help?" Another boy, this one was different, he reeked of celestial power, an angel. "No, I'm good, was even better when you weren't here." He shot back as the angel knelt down behind him silently.

Mel hadn't gotten a good look at them before but now that he allowed himself to see it, he knew who they were and he didn't want to be around any longer. "Watch out!" The girl yelled as the gorgon charged at the two of them, groaning, he stood up still bound and jumped forward to smash the chair into the demon's face, holding out his hand, the other boy's blade was wretched out of his hand to Mel's, he used it to sever the head of the gorgon, killing it instantly. "Like I said, better without you here." He muttered with hardened eyes toward the three teens who had come in to save him. "No, thank you, for rescuing me, saving me from a demon." The girl accused as her heels clicked on the concrete floor.

Mel turned around with narrowed eyes feeling very annoyed with the teens. "I was in the middle of an interrogation, I was getting all the information I needed from the stupid bastard, before you jumped in and like always tried to be heroes, so no, I will not thank you for saving my life, I'm capable of doing that myself. " He shot back harshly as the second boy walked foward and grabbed his arm furiously. "From where we were standing you looked like you needed the help, we should've let the demon kill you." He angrily asserted as Mel wretched his hand back and began walking away just as the flapping of large wings made it to his ears, the angel with the group landed in front of him and exhaled, Mel was sure he too was angry and frustrated.

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