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The Insatiable.

Harwin Academy.

Fire, it was everywhere and consuming everything it came in contact with, if it weren't for the light barriers on every building in the school, it would be a different situation. Selena scorched and holding a bleeding arm floated down to the ground, she had trapped the shadow demon in dragon form, in one of her most powerful ice prisons. "You need to get up Kean, —Kean please get up!" She shook the boy from his drowsed stupor, he had taken the brunt and power of a fireball and it knocked him out. "I'm up, I'm up." He slurred as Denali and Haden appeared next to them, Denali reached out to help the arch angel and in surprise, he didn't refuse. "We need a permanent solution, soon it will get out." Haden asserted as Abe and Laurie appeared from the shadows cast by the fire. "How do you propose we do that?" Kean hissed as he couldn't stand on his broken leg.

"And where is Necmi, he could've done some serious damage to this thing, since it all shadows." Selena added. "He's currently protecting everyone with the light barriers, plus small demons were also spotted in the school, he and the others are hunting those down." Abe explained as Selena's barrier began to vibrate, the shadow demon was overwhelming her prison. "Get ready." Kean called out as they all spread out and held their weapons close to them, as when the ice shattered like a thousand mirrors the shadow demon reared it's head and hailed fire on all of them. "Hold on!" Abe yelled out as he drew the largest rune with most of his power that remained and warded the fire away, and it worked only for a little while as the flames broke through and blasted them all away, the demon changed it's focus and began pouring fire on the school and everyone in it, those who were protected by Necmi's power were truly grateful because it was now the only thing keeping them from turning to barbeque.

"Are you alright?" Abe coughed harshly as he crawled on the sizzling ground to Laurie who lay still on the red cobblestone. "I wish Hamish was here." Laurie whispered as tears fell from her eyes, she was afraid, what if they didn't wake up, what if they were lost wherever they had gone, what if Mel failed. "He'll come, he'll come, they both will." Abe consoled his best friend as he helped her up. "What will they do huh, that's a shadow class demon and none of us could take it down." Kean with all his frustrations and pain lashed out, he was an arch angel yet the demon had thrashed him around like a ragged doll. "Fuuck!" He screamed slamming his fist into the ground, what was the use of even trying, they failed. "We can't give up." Selena argued as she limped toward the others with Haden who was helping her walk. "Guys —." Denali called out as they finally noticed the looming demon over head, it was looking straight at them, then reared it's head to unleash fire. A wall of salt appeared from nothing and on impact the flames themselves turned to specks of yellow salt. Above them a golden beam of holy light cascaded down on the shadow demon, burning a hole right through it and causing it to wail and hiss in pain.
An angel with golden wings appeared in the sky his light alone chased the shadows conjured by the demon away.

"This is it's second form, we need to destroy it to get to it's first." They all heard Mel call out, as he thrust out his palms and more golden light burned the demon that was now trying to escape. On the ground where the six were another angel floated down, his power flowed around all of them, willing nature to heal them as vines wrapped around their bodies. Abe turned to look up as he felt the familiar power. "Rizzavi." He whispered as he finally was close enough to be seen. "I am with you, I'll always be with you." Rizzavi asserted as he landed next to Abe and hugged him, his wings that seemed to have grown larger wrapped him in their embrace, Abe wasn't the type to cry, but when Rizzavi held him, his bravado died, he cried, Rizzavi had come. "Sorry to interrupt this obviously beautiful moment, but the school is under attack." Denali called out and the two men pulled apart. "Sorry." Rizzavi mumbled as Laurie walked up to him. "Where is he?" She demanded and the angel pointed upwards. "With Mel, my task is to heal and make sure you're away from the line of fire, we'll take it from here." Rizzavi finally stated seriously but the others wanted to protest. "You can't just sideline us we've been fighting this thing ever since it appeared." Haden argued as Rizzavi turned to him with glowing green eyes. "That is exactly why you need to sit it out, I've been given orders, I'm not wavering on them, I'll see you soon." Rizzavi replied as the air around them all cackled with power snuffing out even the flames around them, his last words were a whisper in Abe's ear before he spread his wings and shot up into the darkened sky.

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