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Killian Clairwood & Ceres Faith.

"You left us Killian, we were attacked, by your house and you did nothing to stop them, now you're waltzing into my home demanding to see them as if they are your property, you lost the right to even consider them part of your family when you abandoned us." Ceres was pissed, how dare he come into her home and demand to see her children, they were better off with out him, they had been stronger without him, so wanting to be in their lives now, didn't even matter. "I understand your pain Ceres, but please, they are my children as much as they are yours, I won't cause trouble for them, I won't do anything to harm them but please, you've punished me for all that I have done, but they are my kids, I just want to see them!" Killian argued, pleading with the woman his heart yearned for, even after all these years she was still as beautiful as the rays of the first dawn, and also strong willed.

"I can't let you in Killian, you not only broke my trust, but theirs aswell, we thought you'd come for us, in the least make sure, we were safe, but your father's right hand, plunged a demon forge dagger into my heart, we both know he was told to kill me, all of it was in Mel's eyes, and you know what he did, he ascended that very moment and destroyed every being that was sent to kill us that night, then saved me from the brink of death, I never wanted his ascension to be from a place of dark trauma but that's what happened, he's spent years bringing peace and life into house Lucifer, which was all due to you not being able to go against your father, he doesn't want to see you, he wants nothing to do with you and that happened without me ever influencing him, his grandfather wanted him dead." Ceres finally said it, finally said the truth of that night to the man who was Mel and Angelo's father, she was sure he had been told a different tale of the events that happened that night, it was clear in his eyes.

"I had no idea that it happened in that way, I'm sorry, I'm so very sorry." Killian whispered as he tried to hold Ceres's hand but she moved away and it hurt when she did that, how could he expect her to be receptive when he and his family have brought her nothing but pain and misery. "If you truly want Melrose and Angelo to be happy, you'll leave them alone." Ceres mumbled as she turned to head up the stairs of her grand home but Killian rushed to grab her hand. "Just allow me to see them once, in public, I just want to see how they've grown, please Ceres, I won't ever demand anything from you again." He stated with nothing but remorse and even if Ceres had forbidden it, she was still a mother and she understood what it meant to be kept away from your children. "They aren't here, I had Melrose enrol at the academy, Angelo is with him there, I thought the two needed some bonding time, plus Harry is there, they would be taken care of." She explained and a clear surprise overcame Killian's features.

"Khalil he enrolled, thats where, do they need anything, I know Harwin can be hard to adjust to, if he needs anything I—." Killian had rambled on in worry but Ceres raised her hand to stop him. "I'm capable of taking care of my family without your precious money Ian, so they are fine, more than fine." She pressed and he nodded in understanding. "I don't doubt your abilities or the vast vaults of wealth you have but I would like to contribute in some way, I haven't done anything for him or Angelo, and I would like the chance." He pleaded yet again and the woman sighed in exhaustion, she was still the woman who made his heart race, despite her bitter harsh response to him. "Fine, I'll think about it, Angelo will leave the academy in a few days, you can see him whilst he's there, same with Mel, but I'm warning you now, you're never going to see them again without their consent, don't hurt my children Ian, and please tell your father that my children want nothing to do with him, it's unfortunate that they have his blood, that's all." She conceded and his heart was lifted, in the littlest of ways, he had a chance, a chance to ask his children for forgiveness, as for their mother, he needed more than fleeting words.

Harwin Academy.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora