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The Way Back Home.

The Past.

"You mean Korva will return, his name will give him power, in the future you speak of he will yet again terrorize humanity and angels alike, and all because angels of your time were negligent of his malice and growing power, we have left instructions on how to guard these vessels, why did they not heed those instructions." Madira stated as he held a blade to Hamish's throat, his friends all knew not to interfere just watch. "History does not go as you predict, I can not tell you more about how it will unfold because we've already created time ruptures by just being here, Mel can fix those but to create a whole other sequence to the future it would drain Mel of his mana to stabilize and fix before we can destroy the two pieces." Hamish explained as the blade Madira held to his throat began to turn to salt.

"We hear you children, but we cannot trust that you will take these to the future, and destroy them, the chance is too great, and we barely know you." The angel beside Madira spoke and he nodded in agreement but then Hamish swayed and fell to his knee. "Hamish, what's wrong my love." Laurie was quickly by her boyfriend's side, checking for anything out of place. "Something is wrong with Melrose, he's stabilizing the connection but exerting more power outward, I need to help him keep the connection to us." Hamish replied as he called on his celestial power, his wings appeared, and so did another pair of wings on his back that shocked everyone even Madira.

"You're a —." He tried but was tongue tied. "I was granted the power of a celestial angel yes." Hamish accepted as he held out his hands to his friends and encased them in his power. "That should do." He commented once it was done. "Listen, we don't have a lot of time, if Hamish is like this, then it means my brother isn't alright and we left him alone with only one other angel to guard him, I trust in Kean Serrati but this is Mel we're talking about, Korva for some unknown reason is bent on having him, maybe he realizes Mel can actually destroy the pieces, I don't know, but if you're not going to help us, it's best we go, we can find another way." Selena asserted as she looked at the others who nodded.

"You speak like your descendants." Madira chortled as he looked at Selena. "I am a daughter of Michael." She confirmed and Madira nodded with a sigh. "You said in the future, he returns, what is his goal, Korva even here when we defeated him had a higher goal in the end." Madira explained but they knew nothing about his plan. "He hasn't gotten to that yet, we were hoping to cut off the head of the baby snake before it fully grew." Denali replied as she looked at Madira and the woman next to him who nodded in understanding. "I was going to give myself the task of taking care of the two pieces, make sure he never got to them—." Madira paused as Matteo gasped.

"You sacrificed yourself and your power to bend space and time so that Korva would never get those pieces of himself." The hunter signed and Denali translated, the hunter group was shocked. "It was the only way." The older angel muttered but Laurie shook her head in refusal. "There can be other ways." She offered and Madira scoffed. "I wished so, however I am going to put my trust in you because I believe you may be the key to ending Korva once and for all." Madira Conquest stated as he clasped his palms together then pulled them apart and in the middle were two scrolls blackened with a demon's essence. "Who among you has an affinity for my kind of power?" Madira questioned and Laurie stepped foward.

"Warping and space control." She stated and Madira nodded, Laurie took her sterling and began writing runes all around her when she was done she guided them to wrap around the two scrolls first. "They won't corrupt me now, so I can warp them easily." She explained as her mana wrapped over the two scrolls bending space to her will and slowly the scrolls vanished between her two palms. "Thank you for trusting us and your future children." Selena mumbled as the group bowed before Madira as a form of respect.  "I bid you farewell children, and good luck in your endeavor, the world as we know it is counting on you." Madira stated as the five had a golden light flicker off their bodies.

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