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Getting Familiar.

Necmi Laughlin.

"He was right!" Necmi couldn't have heard that right, Mel had been right about the nest, there wasn't one. "Are you sure?" Laurie demanded as she intently listened to the response. "Positive, I gave it the bait, it slithered into the sewers but the pests dug their own little maze inbetween the major ones, and it leads straight to where he said the queen would be." Abe explained and Necmi looked to his teammate and friend with an annoyed looked. "What do we do?" Laurie asks, but Necmi already had a plan. "Abe, meet us at the factory, we need to call Mel, he'll know how to effectively kill the queen." Necmi replied as she looked at a frowning Laurie but never paid attention to her, he knew the new boy was their best shot, he pulled out his phone and proceeded to checking his contact list until he found one of the few numbers in his phone, how he'd gotten the number from Mel, was an awkward sort of cringe worthy story.

The phone rang twice and on the third ring he picked up. "Hello Mel here." The boy exclaimed as the sound of what seemed to be the sizzle of oil made it to his ears, he was cooking. "Necmi—" Laurie hissed and suddenly he snapped into focus, he mouthed a sorry to the girl before he turned to the phone. "Mel  you were right, they are smarter than we thought, how do we effectively kill them or the queen herself?" He hurriedly asked and Mel made a sound akin to humming. "There are so many ways to kill the queen, but the most effective is bathing her in holy light, without a queen the pack becomes immobile, all you have to do is kill them." The boy replied as utensils clanked in the background. "Oh that's easy enough." Laurie mumbled just as Mel added more information.

"Not if she has guards, you need to distract them, then have enough mana to conjure up enough holy light to burn through what's roughly a baby elephant, if holy light isn't enough decapitation works too if you have blessed weapons, ooooh my pot I gotta go—." The line went dead. "Mel!" Necmi didn't completely yell but he was close enough. "How in the world are we supposed to do that, we need back up and we didn't get blessed weapons when we left." Laurie protested as Necmi was in deep thought, he couldn't risk it  but at the same time he needed to risk it, not just for himself but for his team, they had been sidelined for a long while with Selena making it impossible for them to go on missions and complete them without her meddling. "We can do it, we just need to see the layout and create a strategy." Necmi replied his conviction setting in with his need to find honour for his freinds.

The two of them made their way to the factory where right beneath them was a queen of the slithering pack demons about to give birth to more of her spawn, Laurie hunched over slightly panting whereas Necmi just breathed in deep before turning to Abe. "Did you guys just sprint all the way here?" Abe questions as Laurie took her sterling and waved it above a glyph on her body, it glowed a dim molted gold as she recovered almost instantly. "No time, what's it like down there?" Necmi asked as he felt the need to act faster, soon the other teams would be onto them. "She's in the middle surrounded by five of her guards, there's a large entrance north, the rest are heat vents." He explained and Necmi nodded, he knew the best way to attack the beasts was surprise them. "Laurie you'll cover Abe  both of you will go through the north entrace, seal it when you enter and draw their attention, I will come from above and kill the queen in one blow." He explained the plan and they didn't question it, just did as told.

As Abe and Laurie crawled down under, Necmi's let his wings appear behind his back, white feathers, so large they almost trailed on the ground, he flew up into the sky then held out his hand onto the ground he once stood and commanded it to move, using mana and pure will wasn't as exhausting for an angel like him but  for those without his rank it was strenuous on their body. A circle etched itself on the ground as if  an invisible saw was cutting through in a circular motion and when it completed the circular mass of rock moved upward until it nolonger obstructed  the queen from Necmi's view. "Now!" Abe yelled as an explosion occurred beneath, Necmi took this one chance as he shot up into the sky gathering his mana, as he dove down he had aimed a beam of holy light at the queen.

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