PART 28: Never Change

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: ̗̀➛𝐘𝐈𝐍 𝐏𝐎𝐕✾

The journey to War's family house took nearly an hour and a half and although I found it a bit peculiar that he suddenly had requested me to pick him up tonight, I refrained from asking any questions and simply continued driving until I reached the destination.

Upon arrival, I saw War waiting for me in front of his house, sitting on the ground with his arms wrapped around his legs. The moment he caught sight of my car, he sprang to his feet and hurried over to me.

I stepped out of the vehicle. "War, are you—" I began but my words were cut short as he suddenly embraced me tightly, his heart racing.

"War? What's wrong?" I comfortingly rubbed his back, attempting to ease our hug slightly, so I could see his face but he clung to me even tighter.

"Yinnn," he uttered in a trembling voice and I returned his embrace, pressing a gentle kiss to his head. I could not fathom why he had become like this. He had seemed perfectly fine when he called me but now, something was clearly amiss. I was filled with worry and heartache seeing him in such a state.

"Yes, I'm here, my love."

I took hold of his hands and guided him into the car. The outdoor chill was palpable and he was not wearing a sweater. He followed me obediently, almost like a lost puppy. I had a hundred questions on my mind but as I looked at his distressed face, I decided it was best to comfort him first.

I removed my sweater and draped it over him. "Are you sure you want to go home right now?" I inquired and he simply nodded, his eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions.

"Are you sure, baby?"

He nodded once more, his gaze averted from me. I gently tilted his chin upwards, guiding his eyes to meet mine. My fingertips brushed against his soft cheek and our lips met in a tender kiss. He closed his eyes, savoring the moment and slowly reopened them as our lips parted.

"I'm here now with you. Please put aside whatever's troubling your mind," I whispered softly.

A faint smile tugged on his lips, assuring me not to be worried. He reached for my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine and pressed a gentle kiss on the back of it.

"Let's go," he said.

I shifted the car into drive and headed to the nearest McDonald's drive-thru. He had not eaten anything for dinner yet and I wanted to make sure he had something to eat.

❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖ ❁

Instead of heading straight home, I drove to a nearby beach, finding an empty parking lot where we could enjoy our meal together, savoring the simple pleasures of each other's presence under the open sky.

"Why are we here?" War inquired when he noticed me exiting the car and asking for him to sit in the back seat, where I also settled beside him. He followed my words with a puzzled expression.

"Let's stay here until morning, watching the sunrise together," I suggested with a smile and he chuckled while looking at me.

"But why the back seat?" He asked, grinning.

"Well, it's easier for me to hug you, baby," I replied proudly.

He chuckled and after a moment, he leaned his head against my shoulder, wrapping his hand around my stomach.

"I love this...watching the sunrise with you," he murmured, closing his eyes.

I draped my arm around his shoulder, making it easier to play with his hair and stroke it. "Do you want to eat the burger now?" I asked.

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