PART 19: Uncertainty

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Soon later, War walked upstairs and saw Yin out from the bathroom as he was getting ready for bed. He reached out and grabbed Yin's hand but Yin merely gave him a blank stare.

"Yin...I'm sorry," he said and walked slowly to Yin to decrease their distance.

This was not the first time that Yin had felt jealous of Blue but every time he brought it up, War would merely say, "I'm sorry," and over the course of the following several months, this jealousy would repeat itself until Yin grew tired of it.

"Stop saying sorry if you don't mean it," Yin said coldly. "You know I'm jealous because of him but what do you do? You're still close to him, you hangout with him and now, he also sent you home." Yin smirked and looked everywhere, other than the person in front of him now.

"You know I can't just cut him off just like that, right?" War replied softly and caressed Yin's hand. "He doesn't like me, Yin. We are just friends. Trust me, Yin." War stared at Yin, hoping that Yin would stop behaving this way.

Yin looked at him, his brow furrowed. "How can I trust you if until now you still want to keep our relationship a secret from everyone?"

War took a brief moment to close his eyes before turning his attention back to Yin. He started to gain an understanding as to why Yin had changed recently and this was not the first time that they had discussed this topic. The two of them are perfectly happy even if no one knew about their relationship, so he is perplexed as to why Yin insists on constantly bringing it up.

Since their first day together, Yin has agreed with what they've been discussing, so why change now? Is it essential that words get out that they are together? It was enough for War that they love each other.

"Yin, I already told you that–"

"Are you ashamed to be with me?" Yin suddenly cut him off and it took War by surprise when Yin asked him that because Yin is everything to him and whenever he feels broken down, he always remembers that he has Yin in his life, so he doesn't understand where Yin got the idea that it would be a good idea to ask him that ridiculous question.

"What did you say?" War furrowed.

Yin chuckled and pulled his hand from War. "Are you ashamed to be with me, aren't you? So that's why you don't want to tell people about us, right?" Yin chuckled again and his tears started to flow down on his cheeks.

War gave him a perplexed look because he simply did not comprehend the rationale behind Yin's line of thinking. He is certain that Yin is aware that he loves him so much, possibly even more than Yin loves him and all of a sudden, Yin thinks something that he has never even thought before.

"Yin, stop saying such nonsense." War tried to hold Yin's hand but Yin dodged. Yin wiped away his tears and then placed his hands on his waist, bowing his head down while holding back the emotion.

Yin returned War's gaze and War met it with a thousand and one of his own. When Yin started crying in front of him, he realized that whatever was hurting him had been bothering him for a while because Yin rarely sobbed.

"I know I'm the one asking you to be my boyfriend," Yin said while looking at him. "I'm also the one who said the words I love you first but..." Yin bowed his head back and exhaled heavily before looking at War again, his tears were still running down.

"I'm not sure now if you really love me or...just comfortable with me, War."

"I love you. Yin. I love you so–"

"So please tell people that came to you about us!!!" Yin suddenly shouted and it made the atmosphere fall into silence as this is the first time Yin raised his voice to himself.

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