chapter 51 - Time Moves Forward

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there was only the rustle of trees to console me. i was crying softly to myself, as the dogs engulfed me.



rei had found me of course. a mess of blood an torn flesh beneath the mutts which hunted Clear and I down. she had dragged me back to the hell hole she called home. there i lived. there i felt as though my soul was rotting away.
Rei had me slave away, until i felt as though my slin was stretched so tightly over my bones, that it might break at the slightest flex or movement. like i was wrapped in plastic. unable to move in my own skin.
the loss of clear, was devastating. clear, my brother was my life line. he was my light in this cold world. which now, has turned dark. i hadn't seem the sun since clear left. my skin, i knew was a whiter that snow could ever be. but there was nothing i could do. i was weak. that much i knew. so i didn't bother to try. i simply existed. i could no longer find the strength in me to even produce a flinch when Rei slapped me.
Most days weren't so bad. As long as i kept in mind, the fact that Rei and her husband was above me things would go relatively smooth.
I'm 7 years old. I blinked as i gazed at the table that seemed to me full of food. lately i had taken to eating the leftovers from the trashcan. I suppose its gross, but i was to hungry to care. i could count every rib i had. My knees looked like bulging balls that connected my skeleton like upper body to thin sticks which some called calves. Rei disappear and i was left staring once more at the trashcan, full of wasted food. i delved my hand in a grabbed a piece of chicken. i bite into it, chewing it the bare minimum i could before swallowing. I nearly choked a few times but still i persisted. My hunger driving me forward. My stomach lurched strangely and i felt a strange urge to burp.
I dropped the meat back in the trashcan and darted to the sink and vomited violently. My body rejecting the food it so desperately needs. A laugh sounded behind me. I turned to see Rei laughing at me.

"do you really think i wasn't aware of your little dumpster diving? hmm?" she laughed again. "how do you like the rodent point in threw in there? fitting isn't it for a monster like yourself." she sighed and walked over and dunked my head under the faucet running the water so long i felt as though she was trying to drown me. "there." she said when she allowed my head up. "you mouth is free from the awful smelling shit." she turned and walked to the basement door. "go." was all she commanded. so i went. i was so tired. tired and hungry. that was my life with out clear. there wasn't one.
Times when the father would return unhappy with work he would be grouchy and make Rei mad. Then i would suffer. The end result was not always the same. Sometimes, it was knife, sometimes it was poison food. Other times, she would kick me into the bathroom and turn it into a sort of gas chamber.
Still, i survived. i survived with a sort of spiteful vengeance.

I hate her. I am scared of her. I hate her. I cant fight her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her!!!

I hugged my knees and glance up at the window that still rested above my head. The window which reminded me of Clear. I could make out the stars. My head hurt as i struggled to remember his lullaby. the lullaby he would always sing me. But i cant remember it anymore.
My eyes remained trained as the twinkling lights so high up in the sky. for whom do they shine? i think they shine to cry. the twinkles are the floating tears of the moon that remain from all of the blood and violence it has laid witness to over the course of many nights.
Stars. Stupid. thats what they are. Just faint stupid shining things safe way up there without a care in the world. i turned my eyes away from the window and decided it would be better to rest.

A grim though passing through my mind. Perhaps if i rest, i wont wake up. i wont hurt anymore.


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