Chapter 18 - playing a game

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If something was up in the forest around Konoha, Naruto would want to be home doing all he could to protect his village.


I was running across the open desert sand, with the moon casting a pale silver light on everything. I ran until i reached the trees, then i stopped and looked back. The sands shifted in faint winds, casting shadows on the dips between the sand dunes. Its was beautiful. My guts felt a pang. I feel as though i wont see this for sight for a while. I took a deep breath and look back up at the stars. And closed my eyes for a moment and let the world move around me an listened. My heart seemed to split an crack for some strange reason. I opened my eyes to gaze at the stars, my hair drifting into my eyes because of the breeze.

"Gaara." I whispered the name seemed to echo around in the space before i turned my back and entered the shadows cast by the forest. My mind held a single regret as i entered the blackness,"Im sorry Gaara. I should have told you." I whispered out.

I stood at the window in my office gazing at the stars and the moon. A frown on my face. Naruto should be coming home soon, this should solve the problem. That damned woman. I snorted. Its true there is a problem in the forest, but that because of Rei. Shikamaru found various documents and papers andsuch in her file. Rei Uzumaki, is a traitor to Konoha. It seemed as though when the third hokage learned of this he had Naruto retrieved from her custody. Shikamaru is still studying the files because it looks as though there is a large tome gap between Naruto arriving in the village and the third finding out about Rei's treacherous nature. We took Rei into custody, and locked her up. But the woman put a barrier, up around the village and no one can get out. The good news is, Shikamaru deduced that if Naruto we to try to enter from the outside he would destroy the barrier. And Rei would lose everything. I let out a chuckle. So simple. Just then Iruka burst through the door followed by Shizune Sakura and Sasuke. Even Kakashi looked alert. No book in sight. I turned quickly and glanced at Kakashi.


"We need you to get Gaara to stop Naruto! Its a trap!! Rei is waiting for him!!" Sakura gushed out. I frowned.

"Rei is locked up. She can't get out." I replied, relaxed.

"Hokage-sama. It was a shadow clone. We can't find Rei." Iruka said politely, but worry and anxiety leaked out on his face. I gasped, And Shikamaru came in panting.

"Tsunaide." He said looking up at me. His face serious. "The barrier is down. But we can't find Naruto." I flew into action.

"Kakashi take Sakura Sai an Sasuke, and get out there and track down Naruto." He nodded and Sasuke and Sakura quickly followed after hi to get Sai. "Iruka, inform Kurunai and Gai. I want their teams to begin working on finding and capturing Rei." Iruka nodded and dashed out to carry out his orders. I turned to shikamaru. "Reason why?" Shikamaru sighed at my question.

"Its hard to say for sure, since i am still missing pieces of the puzzle. Bu Rei. Is no idiot. She is clever, and cruel. And Naruto. Knows this." I blinked.

"What do you mean?"

"I needed more information on Rei. So once she was locked up i was going to head over to Naruto's house. I swung by there, and once i did, i went straight to were Rei was locked up. She wasn't there. So that when i knew for sure. She was playing a game."

"Show me." Shikamaru sighed and he lept away towards Naruto's house.
"She had put up a sound sealing barrier. So no sound could escape the barrier. Not uncommon for young married people. But she covered the entire house. It was a strong one, so we didn't sense it. Anyway. Here we are." I stood in front of Naruto's apartment door and slowly went in. "Follow me." Shikamaru said grimly, before leading me towards a small bed room. Based on furniture and such, it seemed to be Rei's. shikamaru walked over towards the dresser the stood next to a wall. I gestured towards it, so i pushed it aside. A wooden door lay on the floor, blending in almost seamlessly. I reached down and pulled it up. What i saw inside, horrified me beyond anything i had seen during the third shinobi war.

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