Chapter 21 - sick madness

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Tsunaide sighed as she waited for the teams to get to her office. This was almost as bad the Sasuke incident. The Raikage the Kazekage both came to Konoha to learn what had happened to the blonde jinchuriki. The mizukage would have come but she said it would be too long and that we best act with out her until she arrives. The Tsuchikage did not reply as all. The first person to come, which was no surprise to Tsunaide, was in face Sasuke. Followed closely behind by the rest of the rookie nine.

"You called Tsunaide-sama?"

"Yes." I replied. "I want a full report on you mission two weeks ago." Everyone winced slightly. That was the mission that i sent them on the retrieve Naruto. They failed. Kakashi stepped forward and took a breath.

"Two weeks ago the now declared missing nin, Rei Uzumaki erected a barrier trapping all of us inside except Naruto. Naruto came back to take down the barrier. He succeed in taking it down but disappeared shortly afterwards. It was soon discovered that Rei had been playing all of us and that she had some how captured Naruto. Rei and Naruto's current whereabouts are unknown. We were sent on the mission to retake Naruto. The first to encounter him and Rei would be me, Kiba, Hinata and Shino. We thought we had her on the defensive but she used a strange jutsu. We were not able to continue with the mission." Kakashi stepped back allowing Sakura to step forward.

"Shortly after they had met up with Rei they had messaged the rest of us and followed the trail. We left TenTen Choji and Shikamaru there to watch over them. While i, Sasuke, Neji, Lee, and Ino continued to press forward. Ino an Lee fell victum to a strange trap. We were unable to free them in time to spare them from injures. The had to stop and go back the choji and the others. Sasuke Neji and i continued. We-" sakura voice broke for a moment. And then she fell silent. Neji glanced at her and stepped forward.

"We pushed onwards. We were not very cautious of our surrounds which slowed a lightly but not by much. We reached the valley of the end and then we stopped." Neji said simply. Gaara, the Kazekage narrowed his eyes.

"Why did you stop?"

"Because," neji said. "Rei was there waiting for us. Naruto was there as well." The three Kages leaned inwards slightly, listening intently as the hyuga spoke. "Rei stood there, it seemed as if she was contemplating something. Like she was torn. Then she caught sight of us. She was strong. I was unable to get close to her and thus i proved to be useless. Sakura was not much better. Instead she mainly focused on her medical studies to keep us alive and Sasuke fighting. Sasuke i turn worked at pushing her an Naruto apart to give me or sakura and opening to snatch him away. It was hard but when he finally managed to succeed, Rei started to laugh. It was a strange sort of laugh." Neji stated, and sakura shuddered at the memory of the broken malicious filled laugh. "I quickly grabbed Naruto and took him back to sasuke and Sakura. But something was off. He wasn't himself." Sakura nodded. "Naruto's heartbeat was very odd. And then Naruto woke up. His attitude was. Strange." Everyone listened in rapt attention to the hyuga. Their thoughts all echoing. Naruto, strange?how? "When Naruto woke up, he was laughing at us. He face was all twisted in the most awful sort of expression. His eyes held no light or joy in them. But pure utter sick madness. He held himself with all the grace of a dead swan. Stiff and faded. Naruto then proceed to knock myself and Sakura out."

"The wasn't him." Sasuke said loudly. "That was not the Dobe. That was a fake to lead us away from the real Naruto. We must have lost the real one. We need to get out there and find him." The group was still horrified at what Neji had said, and were quick to try to agree with Sasuke. That was until I held up my hand.

"Quiet!!" I yelled.. The rookie nine turned to look at me. "Now. Other than naruto's strange behavior are there any other factor which indicate that it was indeed a fake?"

"What other factors do we need?!" Kiba yelled. "Taunaide you know as well a the rest of us Naruto would never ever do anything like this! It has to be a fake!!" I sighed.

"Normally Kiba i would be inclined to agree with you. However. Recent events have lead me to believe something differently."

"What do you mean Tsunaide-sama?" Sakura asked me her eyes wide.

"Its simple really. Something so obvious its completely hidden. In extremely simplified words. Mind control."


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