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I took a deep breath as i looked into the mirror.

"Naruto, its fine. just calm down." Sakura said to me as she swatted my hands away from messing with my suit jacket. she gave a quick pat down and straighten my tie before she left the room. Iruka was standing there. He married Kakashi about a two months back. It was an interesting wedding. Kakashi had summoned his dogs so they could watch, but the ended up getting drunk before the vows. It caused a huge ruckus. Turns out when Iruka kissed kakashi no one saw Kakashi's face. well. except for the minister. who lacked words. one day I'm going to see kakashi's face. But thats an adventure for another day.
I'm getting married.
I heard the paino begin. Iruka grabbed my arm and walked me out and to the doors.

"dont worry Naruto. Gaara will take care of you." the mention of gaara calmed my nerves. Slowly they turned to excitement, and joy. Iruka lead me down the aisle, As i gazed as Gaara. He stood there. waiting for me. A soft smile on his face for all to see. his eyes shone with joy. Iruka took my hand and placed it in Gaara. giving me to him, they way only he could, in place of my father. I locked eyes with Gaara. My voice was loud, strong. every word was an oath, a promise to Gaara. one, that i would keep.

" I do." my voice rang out clearly in the church. Gaara spoke his vows firmly. though not quiet as loud, there could be no doubt about he not meaning every word.

"i do."

"i now pronounce you husband and husband. you may kiss the groom." i took a breath as Gaara leaned in, cupped my cheek and kissed me gently. it was bliss. no matter how many times he kissed me. it would still feel like bliss. still feel as though i was walking on air. i love it. He ended the kiss, and took hold of my hand. Together, we faced the two villages. Suna. Konoha. our villages. I married Gaara, Suna's leader, i was now responsible for the lives of two villages. The weight hit me, but i knew i could handle it. I had Gaara by my side. Besides, it was not me, who was responsible. It was US. We left with everyone cheering. Gaara said he wanted to take me somewhere. Somewhere for just the two of us for our honeymoon. He didn't tell me where. he lead me to the edge of the village then stopped.

"here." he tied a blindfold on me, and i stood still. it was always strange when i couldn't see.

"gaara.... if your going to make me run blindfolded i am going have you eat nothing ramen for a year." i heard his soft laugh in my ear.

"tempting as that may be.... I have other plans for food." a shiver ran down my back at hidden meaning of those words. I felt as though my insides just turned to jelly. he grabbed my hand, and i heard him murmuring something under his breath. I could feel the air tumble and twist around me. the ground was there, but it wasn't. It seemed as if all of my senses went haywire. He slid the knot at the back on undone, slowly removing the blindfold. i blinked. and blinked once. and then blinked again.
Standing before me was a gorgeous house. I glanced around, trees stood high and tall above me, flowers covered the ground and covered to fence so entirely it looked at though it was made of flowers. Gaara lead me forward, to the door. I reached forwards and let my fingers linger over the silver knob. it was smooth and cool under my fingers. It was also locked.
I held my hand out with a grin. He dropped an elegant brass key into my palm, which i slid into the keyhole. it slid in like water, Unlocking the door with a click. I stepped inside, and gazed around in wonder. "welcome home. Naruto." i smiled.

"Im home." i set off to explore the entire house, Gaara in tow. The kitchen was wonderfully perfect. Smooth sandstone counters and pale cabinets. A perfect combo of wood and sand. The fireplace looked as though it was carved from solid sand stone. Hard and firm, he held the burning wood in its belly. The windows were a perfect clear glass, it was almost as if they weren't even there. Save for the wood trim that ran through it. There was an empty room the were on the main floor. As well as a full bathroom.

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