Chapter 43

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I felt a chill.
There was no going back now.


The scene shifted once more to a dark basement with a very small window up near the roof of the small low ceilinged room. Naruto was wearing thin baggy shirt the was cakes with dirt and mud from the floor of the room. I could see a thin old rotten door way shut.
My gaze swiveled around to see Naruto and Clear curled up against each other, their hands interwoven and their chests were rising in sync. Naruto looked to be about 5, and Clear look to be about 6.
The blonde blinked his eyes open and turned to look over at clear. He was still sleeping. He nudged him with his foot.

"Clear. Wake up! If you dont wake up. Mother will be mad" he whispered softly towards clear and nudged him again. Clear rolled over and got up.

"Naruto. What time is it?" The blonde stood up and glanced out side a small window. He stood on his tip toes and peered out of the window.

"It looks like, dawn." Clear stood up and dusted himself off trying to clean himself up a little. Just then the door cracked open and slammed up against the wall. Naruto hurried over to Clear's side an they stood, backs straight, shoulders back and completely still. Rei crept down the stair, a snarl set deep upon her face. And i wondered, briefly, how much worse had Rei gotten in the year the memories skimmed over. But, considering the rags and how Rei was looking at Naruto and Clear i figured things had not gotten better.

"Move. My husband, is hungry." Rei snarled out. With those words spat out onto the ground, she turned and went back upstairs. Clear glanced over at Naruto before together they moved to go up the stairs of the basement and into the kitchen.

"I can fix the bacon and eggs. You get the pancakes." Clear said moving towards the sink. Naruto nodded and get down to work.

"We have to hurry though." Despite the fact that he burned himself while trying to make the breakfast, naruto had made the pancakes amazingly fast, he gathered them up onto a tray and carried it out to the dining room, where Rei was seated across from a tall man.
Naruto placed the heavy looking plater full of pancakes on the table and stepped back. Clear came in right behind Naruto placing the platter if bacon and eggs next to it. Rei glanced at the food, then at the two boys, before her eyes settled upon the man across from her.

"Rei darling. The boys were late."
The man stated gazing coldly at Naruto and clear.

"Yes, it seems they were." Rei sighed. "Bad boys. No food for you." Rei said before beginning to eat the food that Naruto and clear had made.

"Rei darling, we will need to go shopping tonight." The man said between bites if food. Naruto and clear just stood off to the side, ribs showing, heads down, eyes glazed over as the stared at the food before them.

"Hmm. Well, i suppose there is no helping it. I will have the boys take me in to town this evening after dinner."


The Dark Side Of Naruto Uzumaki.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon