Chapter 21

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'Mode Mania' has been contacted by the state of the 'Agreste' with a formal announcement about their founder and CEO, which we have been asked to share with you all.

'It's with great sadness that we announce the decline of our lead designer at 'Gabriel', the founder himself, Gabriel Agreste.

As stated in a past issue, Gabriel has been struggling with his health for the past three years, with a rapid decline over the past year. It is with great sadness that we announce that Gabriel has been struck down by Alzheimer's disease, which has begun to attack his memory viciously. The Agreste Foundation, supporting those who have been attacked by akuma related trumas, have stated how they are sad to hear a man close to their hearts is suffering from a harsh illness.'

Son, Adrien Agreste, 24, has been an avid visitor to his father's bedside, and has expressed his concerns for his father's deteriorating health. In a recent statement he mentioned:

'It has been heartbreaking to see my father struck with such a truly terrible disease. It has been a slow progression of the past three years, only to have advanced significantly during the past nine months. We are all trying to stay positive for my father to continue doing what he loves most, designing, but unfortunately time is not on our side.'

Adrien's heartfelt concern comes merely days after he was spotted out and about on the streets of Paris, sporting his previous day's clothing. As most were vocal about their theory of Adrien having another woman, it's fair to see that Adrien is merely a young adult who has not only lost his mother but also on the verge of losing his father.

Gabriel's nephew, Felix Graham de Vanily, 24, has also supplied us with a statement.

'My uncle and I have grown closer over the past few years, my work at 'Gabriel' helping me get closer to my family on the Agreste side. He was like a father to me in the absence of my own and it breaks my heart to see him lose sight of his personality that we all love and cherish.'

We send our love to Adrien, and his family, hoping that Gabriel doesn't have to suffer for long.


"Is there anything more attractive than that?"

Christopher made his way over to Marinette crossing his arms over his chest and looking in the exact same direction at, what she was guessing, the exact same display of pure masculinity... and abs.

"Not to me there isn't." She responded. Looking towards Christopher and popping one of her hips out, before mirroring his stance by crossing her arms and hopefully hitting him with a 'back off or I'll attack' glare.

They were currently standing on the edge of the Iguazu River, the noise of the famous waterfalls echoing in the background, as Adrien filmed his introduction scene; seducing women and wearing his incredibly tight Speedo, emerald green to match his eyes.

"You're a lucky woman Marinette."

"Hands off, hot shot. He's mine and mine only."

"And don't we all know it? He hasn't taken his eyes off you since filming began."

Marinette felt her cheeks heat at Christopher's words. He wasn't wrong. Marinette could feel Adrien's eyes gazing over her from the moment she met with him that morning. It seemed trying to keep a professional head on as she dressed him was equal to her mindset when taking down an akuma. Difficult and far to hands on for her liking.

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