Chapter 23

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'Mode Mania' have once again received juicy A list gossip. Christopher Henley, 29, has been seen out and about with a new lady during his recent filming obligations in Argentina.

The 29 year-old model was said to have been completely smitten with his new beau, a woman who, apparently, is working in the wardrobe department of the new 'Legal Blue' instalment.

The woman is also believed to be the same one who helped save the little boy from his accident in the river Seine alongside Adrien Agreste, 24. There was a point where many believed this raven haired beauty was Agrestes 'bit in the side' however, it seems the closeness was due to a close working relationship and nothing more.

Henley and this unknown woman were seen to travel together, where a stewardess described there conversations as deep and laced with sexual tension. They have also been seen together in various locations at their 5* luxury hotel, where they've enjoyed drinks and evening meals both with and without other cast members.

The two have regularly been seen having breakfast together, making us wonder if this followed an intimate night in his suite or her room.

We are yet to have an official statement from Mr Henley himself, however we are glad to see for once he's chosen a girl with a bit of class, rather than just going for the ass.

Looking at the pictures I think we've found a new hit list couple and we hope to see more from them in the near future.


Marinette had been quiet since the night before, and there wasn't any indication as to how or why? They'd fooled around in the kitchen, Adrien finally giving in on the monkey front, sending Marinette to the moon and back with two orgasms. He wasn't one to brag but he was getting better at this whole sex thing each time. Just because he may have googled specifics on certain aspects, did not mean he couldn't applaud himself for the way she screamed his name and pulled on his hair. He was riding high, until he hit Earth with the same speed as a meteorite.

He'd left her alone on the sofa whilst he went to clean himself up, having his third shower of the day. (He was a model after all). Before heading back down to meet Marinette where he'd left her naked, only to find that she'd put on all her clothing and looked as though she was about to leave.

"Adrien, I'm not feeling too good, so I'm going back to my room. I hope that's okay?" She walked over to him, placing a gentle kiss on his lips before pulling away. He licked them over, tasting the hint of saltiness; a saltiness usually only derived from tears. "I think I just need a good night's rest."

Before he could mutter a single word she was gone. Blowing out of the room like a tornado, and he was worried out of his life. Had he done something wrong? Had she finally given in to Vivica's demands and accepted the money and ran? Did she not understand that regardless of whether he came out of this with his balls intact or without, that he would still want to be with her? Had he not made it clear enough?

Adrien tried not to over think it, that would do neither of them any good. He could keep it cool, he was good at that. Let her steer the relationship to where she wanted it to go, it didn't matter that he was hopelessly in love because she didn't know.

His sleep that night had been restless. He'd spent most of it awake hoping Tikki would make her usual updating appearance, coming to inform him of the shifts in Marinette's moods, as she had done numerous times in the past, resulting in both Plagg and Tikki stopping him from doing a stupid thing like visiting her as Chat Noir, or even worse as Adrien.

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