Chapter *ERROR*: WAKE UP

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(Y/N)'s pov


It's pretty much all I can see right now. Hell, I can't even see my surroundings, how long does it take for the dreams to start? The last thing I remember seeing before going to sleep was the face of my fallen girlfriend. Still how long-

Wake Up

Huh, who said that?

Wake Up

*start the song*




Where's that sound coming from? It sounds terrifyingly familiar...

Then before my eyes, a glowing white light appears ways away from me and seems to be approaching me at a fast rate. As the light was getting closer and closer, my head starts hurting like crazy as there was also a high pitch ringing sound in my ears causing me to put my hands over my ears, trying to block out this deafening sound. But before I even knew it, the white light had already engulf me, leaving the only thing I could do to be to close me eyes and look away.

You've Done Enough... Time To Let Go

Honestly I don't any clue on how long I staring at nothing except the color white but eventually my eyes slowly begin to open. Glancing up towards the ceiling, there was a bright ceiling light over top of me with a light gray ceiling surrounding it although I didn't spend much time focusing on it as I quickly close my eyes again while I wait for my eyes to readjust to my surroundings. Shifting around a little in the bed I was in, it feels uncomfortable almost like a hospital bed.

After a minute or two of just laying around, I proceed to sit up and rub the back of my head, however something felt off. From rubbing my head, it felt like a bunch of cloth was wrapped around the top of my head. Opening my eyes and looking up, I pull on the cloth and quickly find out it was bandages. Letting go of the bandages, I then look down at my body to see that instead of my normal clothes I was wearing a hospital gown. Looking away from my body and around the room, I realized that I was no longer in the comfort of my own home but instead I was in a hospital.

(Y/N): (in thoughts) *while looking around* "How in the world did I end up here? (out loud) Mom? Raynare? Richard? Don? Rasmus?... Anyone?"

You're All Alone Now

(Y/N): *clutches his head* "Argh, where is that voice coming from?!"

Letting go of my head once the voice was gone, I was about to get out of bed until I heard the door handle begin to turn and what sounded like two voices coming from the other side of the door.

???: "Hey, doc! Any news on the kid?"

???: *opening the door* "Look officer, I'm just here to do a routine check up on my patient. I can't say anything for sure."

Quickly, I lay back down in my bed and pull the blanket over me to make it look like I never got up. As the door was opening up, I close my eyes and remain completely still, pretending to be asleep.

After I got into place, I hear two pairs of footsteps enter the room and still questioning what is going on, I listened in on their conversation.

No one's pov

Walking into (Y/N)'s hospital room were two people, a police officer and a doctor. Shutting the door behind them, the officer goes to sit down in one of the chairs while the doctor goes over to to (Y/N)'s bedside.

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