Robert still didn't know what had happened for her and Jack to get to the kiss, but hearing her say how hurt she was, was enough for him to feel sorry for having treated her so badly the night before.

Andy took a deep breath and chose the best words to just tell the truth.

Andy: As I've already told you, since we started getting involved, I've definitely ended what I had with Jack. We've been friends ever since and he never disrespected me. This is important for me to tell you. He never tried anything with me again. But yesterday, he felt jealous to see us. He thought I was offering myself to a stranger and acting too intimate with you. In his mind, I didn't want anything to do with him, but I was wanting something with a stranger. He kissed me yes, but I pushed him away and even slapped him in the face.

Robert felt the truth in every word. She looked into his eyes the entire time and it was clear that once again Robert had walked away from something he had built up in his mind without giving her a chance to explain herself.

Robert: I'm sorry I was jealous of you.

Andy: Robert, I'm not hurt that you felt jealous. This is natural. I would also be jealous if I saw you kissing another woman. I'm hurt that I didn't have the opportunity to explain what happened. Because you don't trust me. Yesterday, you and Jack hurt me in different ways and at the same time. They both doubted my character and my honesty. Do you have any idea what that means?

Robert: You're right. You didn't deserve to be treated like this. Forgive me. Tell me what I need to do to earn your forgiveness.

Andy: You don't have to do anything. I love you and I forgive you, but we cannot continue a relationship without trust. The only thing I want from you is for you to trust me.

Robert: I do. I also promise that I will learn to control my jealousy. And once again, I'm sorry I hurt you.

He ran his fingers over Andy's face, giving her the affection she deserved. He loved feeling her skin on his fingers and slowly brought her closer to him.

Andy was still upset, but she couldn't resist his affection. She let him handle the situation and slowly her lips met for a kiss.

They went to bed where they forgot all the troubles and hurts of the day before.

Both had had a bad night, so after making love, they fell asleep holding each other.

When Robert woke up, he thought about not waking her up, but it was already lunch time and they needed something to eat. So he started to wake her up with kisses.

Robert: Hi my love, I didn't mean to wake you up, but it's getting late and we haven't had lunch yet.

Andy woke up, but still had her head resting on Robert's chest, still feeling too lazy to move.

Andy: I think we can order food in the room and stay like this, lying down, close together.

Robert: I think it's a great idea.

Robert took out his cell phone and then they ordered lunch at a nearby restaurant.

While they were waiting for the food to arrive, Robert decided to tell Andy about his conversation with Lucas.

He said that he finally opened his heart to look for his friend and that he was happy that all was well between them. Andy was also happy to know that he was taking an important new step in his life. He needed friends and she felt that their friendship would return to be as strong as it had been in the past.

That day, they chose to stay at the hotel talking, watching movies and making love. They didn't need anything more to consider it a pleasant day.

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