Meeting Her Family

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Hello all! I thank you for all the patience you've all given me throughout my challenging college semester and for supporting the story all this time. With that all being said let's begin volume 3.

It was the day before the Vytal Festival. Your girlfriend Yang had told you to go to bed early because she said there was a special event today for her family and she wanted you to come with her and her sister Ruby.

You awoke to your alarm clock at 4 am. You then got dressed and met up with Yang, Ruby, and their dog Zwei outside your rooms.

Yang: This will be a good chance for you to meet our dad.

Ruby: I'm sure he'll like you y/n.

You laughed a little nervously. You were a little anxious to meet Yang's father.

y/n: I hope so.

Yang: Oh come on babe. I know he'll like you. Don't worry my dad doesn't bite.

You, Yang, and Ruby all made your way to an airship that was prepared by Yang's father to go to the island of Patch where Yang and Ruby's home was. You all boarded the ship and got strapped in.

y/n: So, what is this special event?

Yang: We'll tell you when we get there. It's very special to our family.

You were still curious as to what was supposed to happen today but you decided to trust Yang.

y/n: Alright then.

After about two hours you noticed what you figured to be the island Patch. You saw in the middle of a forested area was a lone cabin.

Ruby: That's our house.

Yang: Our dad built it himself.

y/n: Looks nice.

The airship then landed near the log cabin and outside you saw a blonde man who you figured must have been Yang and Ruby's father. You got a little nervous because you didn't know how protective he might be over Yang.

Yang: Babe. Don't be nervous. I know he'll like you.

Yang looked at you with a reassuring smile. You smiled back.

y/n: Alright.

You all then got off the airship to be greeted by Yang and Ruby's father.

Yang's father: Welcome home girls.

Yang and Ruby's father then turned to you as he scratched his chin curiously.

Yang's father: And who is this?

You were still very nervous about your first impressions.

y/n: Uhhh... I...

Yang then held your hand. You looked at her and she looked at you with a reassuring smile again. You smiled back and turned back to face Yang and Ruby's father.

y/n: My name's y/n. I'm your daughter's boyfriend.

Part of you was expecting Yang's father to get defensive but he instead smiled excitedly and walked up to you.

Yang's father: Well it's good to meet you y/n.

He then offered you a handshake.

Yang's father: My name's Tai Yang. But you can just call me "Tai".

You felt relieved at the fact he was accepting of you as you accepted his handshake.

y/n: Good to meet you too Tai.

Tai: Now then I'm certain you're all hungry from the trip so I'll get started on making all of you breakfast. Come on inside and get comfortable.

You all then walked inside the cabin. Tai began cracking eggs into a pan and Yang decided to show you around her home while Ruby started to play with Zwei. It seemed pretty basic. There were family photos of Yang and Ruby as children playing with a woman who looked almost identical to Ruby but she wore a white hood hanging on the walls. You thought Yang and Ruby looked very cute when they were younger.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now