I returned to Grey's room and saw him leaving. "So Caera, what do you want to talk to me about?" Grey asked, he was serious.

"Just follow me, I want to talk where no one can overhear us," I replied. Grey nodded. We got into a carriage that returned to the forest where we first met. I think this'll be the best place to tell Grey my secret. I now know that he won't do anything.

As we made our way to the old tree we had camped at–leaving the carriage behind– I turned to Grey. "Can you make sure no one is around?" I asked. Grey nodded before confirming.

"So Caera, what is so serious that you needed to come all the way here to tell me?" Grey asked.

"Grey, please promise me this. Once I tell you, don't hate me," I pleaded. Grey's expression turned to a confused one. "What do you mean?" Grey asked.

"Grey, I also have a secret. One that I kept from my entire family. One that if it got out, I would be taken away." I responded. "Caera what do you mean by taken away? What could you be hiding?" Grey's normal calm expression was replaced with one of fear and concern.

"I think it would be best to just show you," I said as I pulled out the teardrop necklace Seris gave me to hide my horns and chanted. Soon my horns became visible. I looked up at Grey to see he was surprised.

"H-How?" Grey asked, surprise and confusion was leaking from his voice.

"You see, Corbett and Lenora aren't my real parents. I'm adopted." I answered.

"I know you're still a bit ignorant about Alacrya so I'll explain what I am." I replied.

"You see, a long time ago, the Vritra breed with us humans. After a while every person in Alacrya had some Virtra blood in them. When a child is found to have a high concentration of Vritra blood they are taken away from their parents and given to a Highblood to be raised. If our blood manifests like mine we grow horns. When this happens we're taken away and brought to Agrona to become test subjects. If we somehow survive that we're turned into weapons. I was lucky enough to be with Seris when my blood first manifested so she gave me this necklace to hide them." I replied, still holding the necklace.

"I-I don't know what to say," Grey replied, he was awe stricken, in a bad way.

"You don't need to. I'm just glad you're okay with me," I replied with a sad smile, hoping that he still was.

I couldn't reply as Grey pulled me into a hug. "I should be thanking you, for trusting me enough to tell me this."

I cried. I cried into his lap. I then felt something touch my horns. I looked up to see it was Grey. He was rubbing my horns. "S-Sorry, they just were a lot like my bond's horns,'' Grey replied.

Wiping the tears from my eyes. I looked up at him confused. "Your bond had Vritra horns?" I questioned. Grey shook his head. "It depends, are the Virtra dragons? Because that's what my bond was."

I was shocked. We were taught that the dragons were evil and it was the High sovereign that took mercy upon us and gave us magic. And I'm supposed to believe Grey was bonded with a dragon?

Grey noticed my confusion, "What do they tell you about dragons here? Because in Dicathen they're believed to be all dead."

"We're told they're evil creatures that want nothing more than to kill all us 'lessers.' What are they really like?" I asked, if he was bonded to a dragon there was a good chance he met another one.

"I only met one other than my bond and that was her mother." I could tell Grey was struggling to tell me. "It's okay Grey, if you don't want to tell me you don't have to." I said, comforting him.

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