Chapter 29: The Dragon Sage

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I hope this satisfies both ThaCheezIt and kaminotekken... enjoy

"Are good, kid?" Miyamoto asked looking at (Y/n) lying on the ground. The two of them were just outside of the village in the place where they trained for the month. 

"Why'd it have to be Hiruzen? Why'd it have to be someone... as good as Hiruzen?"

Miyamoto took a seat next to (Y/n). "The only reason a ninja lives is to fight. The only reason a ninja fights is to win. Otherwise, why be a ninja? It would be easier to count beads."

This caused (Y/n) to raise his head from the ground.

"What is your goal? As a ninja?"

(Y/n) looked at Miyamoto who simply stared at the clouds.

"I wanna be... King of the NInja." (Y/n) replied slowly.

"And what does that mean to you? What does it mean to be king?" Miyamoto asked.

"It... It means to be the strongest."

"I see. The path to strength as a ninja is littered with bodies of allies and enemies. People die. That's life. And there's no avoiding that. You must accept everything just the way it is. Do not fear death. And never regret what you do as a ninja. You probably think this is your fault.  Don't. Think lightly of yourself. But, think heavily of the world."

(Y/n) stood up and looked at Miyamoto with more of a determined look on his face.

"Miyamoto, could you teach me something new then? Something powerful."

Miyamoto let out a chuckle. "Sure, sure. That's what I was hoping you would say. Now!"

Miyamoto did the hand signs for the summoning jutsu.

"Watch the power of I, Miyamoto, the Dragon Sage!"


(Y/n) was blown away with a powerful puff of smoke. It was much bigger than when Naruto summoned that Toad a few days ago. (Y/n) groaned a lifted himself off the ground wiping the dust from the suit he wore for Hiruzen's funeral.

A deep piercing eye seemed to lock onto (Y/n). The eye was similar to a slit, like when Naruto used the Nine-Tails chakra. It let out a monstrous roar much more intimidating than the One-Tails.

(Y/n) was forced to use all the strength in his body not to be blown away just from the shout of such a beast. The noise coming off of it was enough to make a regular person's ears bleed.

"Hmm, hmm. Listen here, Miyamoto! And listen good." the dragon's voice boomed throughout the area. "I do not sense any danger around the area! If you have summoned me for some... foolish human reasoning, I will kill you. Slowly."

The dragon had its wings fully spread and its tail extended out. His head was lifted a bit in a prideful manner.

"Well, I--I uhh, just wanted you to meet somebody."

Miyamoto pointed in the direction of (Y/n).

"Who? This waste of what you humans call... sperm cells! I can smell the fear coming from him! I can smell the... what's it called again? I can smell the bitch in him!"

The dragon let out a thunderous laugh.

"Hey, you big bastard!" (Y/n) yelled out. "You may be big and strong, but I'm not gonna let you disrespect me like this!"

"Boy, I have lived for hundreds. No, thousands of years and never in my entire life has anyone talked to me like you have! It brings a smile to my face! How about you take my summoning! It'll do you a great service in the future!"

(Y/n) looked up at him and smiled awkwardly. "Sorry, but I already have one."

"Nonsense! What could possibly be better than this? Nothing!"

(Y/n) looked down at the floor. "It was the badge..."

"You damned fool, Miyamoto! Why did you give the boy such a useless summoning? You know what? Let's see what that summoning of yours looks like."

(Y/n) quickly performed the summoning jutsu summoning badger. The world's most friendly ratel.

"Yo. How's it going my favorite summoner?" Badger said sticking his tiny paw out for a fist bump.

(Y/n) pointed badger towards the giant beast standing behind him. Badger gulped and hid behind (Y/n)'s leg.

"Why the hell would you summon me for this?" Badger whispered.

"He told me too!"

"Silence, mortals! Is this your summoning? Or a play toy?"

Badger stuck his tongue out at the giant beast. Even now, he only felt the tiniest sliver of fear.

"I have a proposition for you, boy!"

"I agree. No point in trying to argue I suppose?"

Badger scratched the back of (Y/n) calf. "Hey, kid not sure if you know... but, his "proposition" might be to kill me off," he argued.

"I won't let him kill you. We're friends... I think."

"So, you choose to break the current contract with this... pest? Very well then."

(Y/n) pat Badger on the head as their contract was destroyed.

"You alright?" 

Badger looked at the ground in sadness. "No," he said in a pitiful voice. "Nobody ever summons me and... well, I get so lonely. I just wish I had a friend to keep little old me company," he said giving his best puppy dog eyes.

(Y/n) rolled his eyes as he signed the contract with the still-unnamed beast.

(Y/n) rolled his eyes and looked at Badger. "I know what you're getting at. And, ... it's fine. You can stay with me for a while... just a while."

Badger smiled and jumped on (Y/n)'s back crying tears of joy. "Thanks for this, man! Don't worry I don't take up too much space. And I can go out and get my own meals...."

"Silence! Now that the contract is signed you can summon me whenever you like But, if you summon me and waste my time I'll kill you. And if I cannot get to you, one of my sons will. Until next time, brat."

"Wait," (Y/n) called out. "You could at least tell me your name."

"I'm glad you asked!" a dramatic gust of wind blew through the nearby trees. His wings spread out as he flew into the air looking down on everyone. "I am the King of the Storms!  Conqueror of the dark! The flames that light your soul! The wind that guides you! Dragonlord! Black Dragon, Kalameet!"

With one more monstrous roar Kalameet puffed into smoke disappearing.

"That was overly dramatic," Badger said. Big bastard."

King of the Ninja |Naruto x Male Reader|Where stories live. Discover now