Chapter 10: Anti-Chakra Control

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Kakashi opened his eyes. He looked around and groaned.

"Kakashi-sensei." (Y/n) said opening the door to the room he was in. "We made it to Tazuna's house safely." Kakashi sat up and winced in pain while doing it.

"That Sharingan of yours is cool and all but it takes a lot of chakra." 

"Yeah, I know. It'll take a few days for me to get better. Where's everyone else." Kakashi asked.

"They're all eating right now. I got you some food. But, it's probably cold by now." (Y/n) handed Kakashi a bowl of rice which was incredibly cold.

"I feel like there's something important you need to ask. Go for it." Kakashi set the bowl down not wanting to pull his mask down.

"I remember learning about tracking ninja a while ago. One thing I remembered was that they're supposed to dispose of the bodies on sight. I have a feeling that wasn't an ordinary tracker ninja." (Y/n) said to Kakashi.

He let out a long sigh and laid down again.

"Yes. I had that feeling too. That person was probably working with Zabuza. They knew their stuff well. They aimed for vital points in the neck which stopped his heart. But, not long enough to kill him. Only to make it seem like Zabuza was dead."

The room remained silent for a moment.

"If Zabuza is still alive along with his partner, I'll need to teach you guys some things," Kakashi said. He slowly stood up and walked out of the room.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto yelled.

"Meet outside," Kakashi told them.

What's he trying to teach us?

(Y/n) thought as Team 7 walked outside and followed Kakashi deep into the forest near Tazunna's house.

"Alright,  since you're ninja now it's about time I taught you an essential element every ninja needs. Learning to control your chakra." Kakashi told them all.

"How're we supposed to do that?" Naruto asked him.

"Simple. By climbing a tree."

Climbing a tree? Should be easy.

(Y/n) thought only to have that thought crushed in an instant.

"One rule. You can't use your hands."

Kakashi walked over to a tree and climbed it. It was as if he was just walking on the ground normally.

"How is this going to help us fight Zabuza," Sakura asked.

"Well, this isn't training you to fight, but to become a better ninja. You'll have to apply the exact amount of chakra into the sole of your feet which is hard even for some advanced ninjas. This'll also teach you how to limit the amount of chakra you use for each jutsu." Kakashi pulled out four kunai and threw one to each of them. "Now, begin"

They all charged up chakra with (Y/n) charging anti-chakra in his feet. Naruto was the first to try it and he didn't get off the ground. The Sasuke went and got halfway up his tree then fell. After that Sakura went and got hers first try. She desperately looked at Sasuke waiting for him to praise her, but that never happened.

Lastly (Y/n) went up. The second his foot touched the tree it instantly began to wilt. The leaves became dry and fell off.

That's not good.

"Kakashi-sensei!" (Y/n) yelled out to Kakashi. "My tree died!"

Kakashi dropped down from his tree and walked over to (Y/n).

 "This sure is interesting," Kakashi said putting a hand on his chin. "I can assume this has something to do with that... anti-chakra of yours," Kakashi said touching the tree.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Your chakra obviously isn't normal. Chakra is essential to all life. Every living thing contains chakra. That's why it's seen as life energy. But, yours is different. It's... the opposite."

"Huh" was (Y/n)'s only response to Kakashi.

"When you do hand signs you have to do the opposite of what it is. Meaning that your chakra is completely the opposite. So, I can only assume that instead of being life energy your chakra is more like... death energy. That's what I can assume."

"That's why the tree died?"

"I can only think so. Here." Kakashi handed (Y/n) a kunai. "Try to focus your anti-chakra on this kunai."

(Y/n) grabbed the kunai and focused anti-chakra through his hand and into the blade. It immediately disappeared.

"Now, continue doing this until you can hold it."

Hours later long after the sun went down Team 7 sat around a table eating dinner. All except (Y/n) who slept after using too much anti-chakra trying to focus it into a kunai. Which was a lot harder than it seemed.

(Y/n) awoke in the middle of the night. He stood up and rubbed his eyes.

I almost had it earlier. I think I could do it.

(Y/n) thought as he walked to the forest where he was earlier. As (Y/n) approached he heard grunting. He put a hand on his blade only to see Naruto still climbing trees.

"What're you doing here Naruto?"

"Training obviously! I've gotta get stronger in order to beat Sasuke!" Naruto yelled as he ran up the tree but failed.

(Y/n) paid no mind and looked at his blade. He inhaled and focused his anti-chakra on his blade. A black aura surrounded the blade turning the blade itself black. This time there was no struggle trying to keep it.

"I got It!" (Y/n) yelled then heard a loud thud. 

Naruto winced in pain for a minute.

"Sorry 'bout that."

(Y/n) stared and admired the blade. He swung it once at a tree and sliced it once. That once slice caused the tree to instantly wilt and die.

Since I can keep it in my blade no problem I should be able to force it out of it.

(Y/n) brought his sword back and swung it full force making sure to force out extra anti-chakra from the blade. A wave of anti-chakra in the shape of the crescent moon flew out of the blade tearing down a few trees. But, before the trees could fall to the ground they wilted and died.

"Whoa." were the last words (Y/n) said before passing out from pure exhaustion.

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