Chapter 18: Forest Of Death

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After the incredibly long explanation about what the 10th question was about (It was literally like an entire episode) a woman with blackish-violet hair literally jumped through the window landing in front of everyone with a flag that said 

Chunin Exam Stage 2 proctor, Anko Mitarashi

"Who's ready for stage 2 of the exams?!" Anko asked everyone. Silence. "Alright, if that's the case, let's go!" Anko looked at everyone look at her with an unimpressed look.

"You're early, Anko," Ibiki said peaking past the flag.

"Whatever," Anko said pouting a bit. "But, there's a lot more people here. Are you getting soft on me, Ibiki?" Anko joked to  Ibiki who rolled his eyes.

"Maybe this is just a stronger crop of Genin," Ibiki complained back.

"Don't look like it to me," Anko said. "Doesn't matter. By the time I'm done with them more than half will be eliminated." Anki said licking her lips. "This is going to be... exciting."

Is she a... pedo?

"Starting first thing in the morning I'll tell all of your senses where to meet me. Until then, dismissed."

Everybody walked out of the examination room. Those from different villages stayed wherever they were given.

(Y/n) walked to his small apartment.

Wonder what stage two is? Maybe it's a battle to the death? Nah, they wouldn't purposely make us do something to get us killed... right?

Team 7 showed up at a forest with everyone else there including Anko

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Team 7 showed up at a forest with everyone else there including Anko.

"This is the location for the second phase of the Chunin exams. It's the 44th Battle Training Zone. But we call it the Forest of Death." Anko told everyone.
Anko took notice of Naruto mocking her to (Y/n).

Anko scoffed and pulled out a kunai and threw it at Naruto slicing his cheek. As blood flowed out of it Anko appeared behind Naruto getting real close to his face and licking the blood running down it.

"It's those like you that die first in these exams."

I knew she was a pedo.

Anko then pulled out a second kunai and put it to the... tongue of another ninja there.

"Not nice to sneak up on a person with killing intent like that," Anko said looking at the female ninja who had her kunai in her mouth.

"Sorry. I was only handing your kunai back to you. Plus, you cut my hair with it." the female ninja gave Anko the kunai and walked back to where she was standing. 

Anko rolled her eyes at the ninja thinking about how there's a ninja-like her every year.

"Well, before we start I'll have to give you these," she pulled out a stack of papers. "These are consent forms. If something bad happens to you they can't blame me." Anko handed a paper to each person making sure they all signed it.

"Now I'll give you a step by step instructions on the terrain of the training grounds. Don't worry it's pretty simple." Anko cleared her throat. "The Forest of Death is surrounded by 44 locked entrance gates, there are rivers, the forest, and a giant tower in the middle. It's about 10 kilometers from the gate to the tower. In this confined area, you'll go through a survival program of sorts."

That's a lot of instructions.

"As for the rules... there are none. This is an all-out scroll battle!" Anko pulled out two scrolls with the Kanji for Heaven and Earth. "This is the Heaven and the Earth scroll for those who can't read. 26 teams passed the first stage so that splits it up perfectly. 13 Heaven scrolls and 13 Earth scrolls."

There were whispers amongst some of the teams wondering what the passing conditions were.

"Your goal is to find either a Heaven or Earth scroll within 5 days and make it to the tower. And yes only 13 will pass.  But, it'll be less of you die." Anko said licking her lips once again.

What a creep. She's lucky she looks good though.

(Y/n) internally battled whether she was more creepy or good-looking. in the end, neither side won as it was interrupted by the familiar redhead.

"How do you umm, think you're going to do this time?" Karin asked looking down at (Y/n) who was sitting under a tree.

"I think we'll be fine. Unless we run into that one creep with the long tongue from earlier. She's creepy too. And ugly." (Y/n) said to Karin.

"I don't think I'll make it past this part," Karin said in disappointment.

"C'mon don't think like that. You'll be fine. And if you ever need my help just say the word." (Y/n) said giving her a thumbs up.

Karin slowly nodded.

"Konoha's Team 7! You're up!" a man called from a booth where several teams before them got their scrolls.

"Sorry to cut it short, but I gotta go. See ya." (Y/n) waved to Karin while catching up with his team.

Team 7 handed in their papers and received the Heaven scroll and headed to the thirteenth gate. After a long, long time of waiting the gates were open and Team 7 began the second stage of the Chunin exams. The forest of Death.

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