Chapter 145: Seeds of Evil

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Oh... he has no idea.

"And so he hires a bounty hunter to do the job," I noted.

Yes, let's hire a bounty hunter to kill someone who is a potential threat to my plans. Good idea! What could possibly go wrong?

But maybe the Overseer is just relaxed because the Keyblade Heroes weren't here.

Speaking of which, I remembered the last thing that I wrote in the book.

ቻዪዐጠ ክዐሠ ዐክ, ሠዘቿክቿሀቿዪ ጎ ሀጎነጎፕ ነዐጠቿዐክቿ ጎክ ፕዘቿጎዪ ዕዪቿልጠነ... ክዐጌዐዕሃ, ልክዕ ኗዐነዘ ዕልክኗ ጎፕ ፕዐ ዘቿርጕ! ጎ ጠቿልክ ክዐጌዐዕሃ! ሠጎረረ ጌቿ ልጌረቿ ፕዐ ዕቿፕቿርፕ ጠሃ የዪቿነቿክርቿ ቿሀቿክ ጎክ ፕዘቿ ፕጎክጎቿነፕ ጌጎፕ. ቿሀቿክ ጎቻ ፕዘቿሃ'ዪቿ ልረረ የዐሠቿዪቻሁረ ዐዪ ልረረ ጕክዐሠጎክኗ... ጎፕ ዕዐቿነክ'ፕ ጠልፕፕቿዪ, ፕዘቿሃ ሠዐክ'ፕ ዕቿፕቿርፕ ል ፕዘጎክኗ.

(Translation for those who might struggle to read this because even I can't lol: From now on, whenever I visit someone in their dreams... nobody, and gosh dang it to heck! I mean NOBODY! Will be able to detect my presence even in the tiniest bit. Even if they're all powerful or all knowing... it doesn't matter, they won't detect a thing.)

Harsh? Probably.

But it was necessary at this point, things were getting too dangerous.


Out of all the people, I thought that he would be the one person to figure everything out. 

But he didn't.

And now he believes that I'm a threat to the Keyblade Universe.

That complicated everything.

There are three paths...

The first one: Ember and friends return and Ember kills the Overseer. Best path and the one I hope that we end up taking. It had the happiest ending after all.

The second one: They don't return in time and someone else kills the Overseer... that one was significantly worse. Although, not unlivable, but... the ending wouldn't be happy.

The third one: Charlie manages to make someone crack and confess about me. If that happens...

Everything felt cold.

I know what I saw when I looked down that path...

So horrifying... it would give me no choice then to reset everything.

I hate to do it...

And yet, that one... seems the most likely.

Charlie promised to stop me... but can't he tell that he'll just send his new friends off to their deaths?

I'm trying to help them, Charlie.

But in a race against time... time always wins.

So I only had one choice.


I can already hear Charlie give me this long stupid speech where there's always another way.

Sorry, Charlie.

 Not this time.

"Well," I said. "I'm here now."

Nolan looked confused. "So are you going to roll and play dead?" He asked. 

"Would you like me to?" I asked. 

"Yes," he replied. "It would make my job much easier."

"Ah," I said. "But would it be fun?"

The bounty hunter stopped for a moment and thought.

"No," he admitted.

I pulled out the iron sword, my other sword had melted... funny story, and while I could rewrite it back in... I didn't need to.

Nolan laughed and pulled out a diamond axe.

The two of us stared at each other, as we waited for the other person to make the first move.

After like... ten minutes, I finally decided to charge.

Nolan looked surprised as if he couldn't believe that I had made the first move, even though he had ten minutes to do so himself.

However, he quickly recovered as he threw his axe at me.

Luckily, I had anticipated on this move, so I ducked under the axe and swung my sword at him.

Nolan dodged, grabbed my arm, and threw me onto the ground.

I jumped back up, kicking him in the chin while doing so, and swung again, this time, cutting his eye.

Nolan let out a scream worthy of an Oscar causing me to wince before leaping over me and grabbing his diamond axe.

We swung our weapons at each other, causing sparks to fly as metal met metal.

Then I kicked Nolan away, as he threw his axe at me.

This time, there was no time to react.

There was no time to dodge.

There was no time to think.

Because in a race against time... time always wins.

I felt the axe hit me in the chest...

And then darkness.

"I'm not the bad guy, I'm just a bit surprising. It's not worth losing sleep, it's not worth analyzing."

Embers of Eternity (Book 8 of the Keyblade Legends Rainimator Fanfic Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن