"Can we go home now?" Ned's mom asked.

"Let's go," Ned agreed and took a step for John's car, but his mother snatched his hoodie and tugged.

"You're riding with us. We have a lot to talk about."

Ned didn't argue. He needed to save his strength. He got into the car and they talked the entire way home and a few more hours after that, until Ned realized he would officially be up twenty-four hours from Lena forcing to get up and jog with him yesterday.

The punishment was not severe.

And they even granted Ned the liberty of leaving the house the next afternoon.


Ned stood at the bottom of the Hayes family porch, staring up at the door. He already made it here. No going back now. Ned climbed up the stairs, every body part sore from yesterday. Even his skin ached.

He walked up to the front door.

And knocked.

Holding his breath, Ned quickly tried fixing his clothes and his hair. He might look like a mess, but he was confident in his mind. He was sure about how he felt.

Margaret opened the door, still her pajamas. She raised a brow. "Wow. That was quick. Do you want me to get Sam?"

"Um, no." Ned took a deep cooling breath. His face was already hot. His palms sweaty. He just had to breathe. "I'm actually here for your mom."

"Oh." Her brows raised. "Hold on..." She actually left the door wide open. Ned's curiosity got the best of him as he leaned to the side to catch never before seen details of the Hayes's house. It looked more normal than Ned had always imagined. Family pictures freckling the wall. Fresh flowers on console table.

Strolling down the stairs, Sam's mom appeared, freshly showered and like she didn't get nearly enough sleep last night. She didn't say anything until she arrived at the door and crossed her arms. "Hello Ned."

"Hi, Mrs. Hayes..." Ned smiled awkwardly, unable to stop himself from fussing with his hands. "Can I talk to Sam?"

"You're not messing with him?" She posed.

Ned opened his mouth to quickly answer. He was ready this time, but from the top of the stairs there was a loud bang and the house rattled as Sam came running down the steps. He stopped dead in his tracks, wide-eyed at his mother and Ned at the door. His mother didn't flinch, still watching Ned.

Ned looked her right in the eyes and shook his head. "No, ma'am. I promise to take good care of Sam."

Sighing, Mrs. Hayes leaned against the doorway. "You flipped pretty fast. You gave him up and then, you immediately started dating again? Sam told me everything. If I were him, I'd feel a little dizzy from that whiplash."

Ned laughed nervously, but quickly got serious again. She had to hear it, how much this meant to him. How much Sam meant to him. Ned wasn't a good enough liar to fake being sincere. She had to know. "I guess it wasn't long, but I knew the second I let him go that I never wanted to do that ever again and um, I don't think that makes me special. I feel like if anyone lost the greatest thing in their life, they'd do anything to get it back too."

"I still don't like your mother." Mrs. Hayes's grimace deepened.

"That's fair, but I'm not her."

She looked at him a few moments longer before moving to the side. She walked deeper into the house, telling Sam as she passed. "Go talk to him. You're still grounded, but you two should talk."

Ned Gets Stood UpWhere stories live. Discover now