Dude you good? (The investigation part 4)

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So I told ya'll that I would make a part 4 on what happened after the whole thing so here it is. Also everything is platonic friendly fluff and sorry for the wait. 

I(a character) explain a mental disorder and it may not be correct. Feel free to correct me.

Warning: Basically talking about everything that has happened and more. This chapter is also a bit more serious so yeah.

Wilbur's P.O.V

The ambulance just left and we were getting ready to go. I however couldn't move. Who would do something to him? I then felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. "He'll be alright mate..." I heard Phil say but could tell he's also crying. I mean everyone was. I just continued to stare at the floor. Phil then hugged me which surprised me a little. I was sad that Tubbo was the one to go in the ambulance but it did make the most sense because they are really close. I tightly hugged Phil back and heard him speak. "Hey Dream..." I didn't bother to say anything just hugged Phil impossibly tighter. I felt him start to feel in my back. I guess I never realized how much I cared for him. I felt Phil let go and passing me on to Dream. He side hugged me and we walked out to the car.

In our car Phil was driving, Puffy in the passenger seat to the right of Phil, Tommy behind Phil, Techno next to him, and me and Dream in the way back. I was laying my head on Dream still softly crying. Dream was just combing through my hair making me close my eyes and sniffle every once in awhile.

A few moments later I found myself slightly asleep but still able to hear.

Dream's P.O.V

I felt Wilbur relaxing meaning he's dozed off and I sighed still running my fingers through Wilbur's hair. Tommy turned around to face me, "Is he okay?" he asked me. "Yeah, he's just fallen asleep." I replied. "Good cause I think that'll be the only sleep he'll get till Ranboo's we'll enough." Phi said and then sighed. I looked down at Will starting to cry a bit now. We never showed it around each other or on camera but we all deeply cared for Ranboo. He'd always be happy and make us laugh or help us when we needed help.

After about an hour we met up with everyone at the hospital. Will looked out of it and still tired while mostly everyone else was crying the whole time.

We sat in the waiting room with a tense atmosphere.

Wilbur's P.O.V

We've been waiting for about thirty minutes till a doctor came in. "The police want to talk to you all." We all just nodded as some police officers came in as well as the sheriff. "So first things first I want to justify what you saw." He said pointing at Niki. "We looked at the nightstand and found knife marks on the top of the nightstand but that wasn't the concerning part, the concerning part was what was in the bottom drawer."  He sighed.  "What did you find?" Dream asked. "We found some bandages, a lighter along with a notebook and pen and pencil but, uh...  we also found a knife covered in blood, dry and fresh." We all stared in shock. "The doctors will bring you to the room and explain the rest but after that we will have some questions." We all nodded and they left when the doctors came.  "Follow us please." One of them said and we all stood up. I had tears in my eyes again. I felt Puffy wrap her arm around me and we followed the doctors to Ranboo's room.

We all sat around Ranboo except me who stood next to him. "So we have identified his wounds. He was 6-7 cuts on each arm that we've identified as self harm." Why would he hurt himself? "I guess that explains the knife." Conner said and the doctor nodded. "For his other injuries it seems as if he was stabbed in the head, thankfully it isn't too deep and we have already stitched it up." I looked at Ranboo. His head was turned so I can see where they shaved his head and where the stitches were. "He also has a wound on his back but we have confirmed that it was from when he fell." The doctor paused for a moment. "We also ran some other tests to make that one of his past... illnesses... didn't come back." The doctor finished. "What do you mean?" I asked. "He has a record of going to hospitals and the main reason he did was for hallucinations of some sort from C-PTSD meaning complex post-traumatic stress disorder." The doctor said standing. "What does that mean?" Phil asked. "When someone has experienced trauma for a long period of time and when the trauma is over it still 'haunts' the person and the things will remind that person about it and they spiral. Besides that there isn't anything else. That's the thing we were most concerned about but we will have to ask him when he wakes up." Some people nodded and the doctors left the room. I grabbed Ranboo's hand and stared at him. "You want to stay here with me to watch Ranboo over the night, Will?" Phil asked. I just nodded feeling quite anxious.

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