Dude you good? (Part 3)

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TW: Blood, Knife, Cutting/Self harm, Explicit language, Sickness, Hallucinations(I think) Nightmares, and Coulrophobia(Fear of clowns) (Fluff with Wilbur, Tubbo, Tommy, Puffy, Dream and Phil and maybe more). More might be added later I write the TW in the beginning.Also look i'm sorry but I love sicknesses and shit man Idk. This is a longer one.

Should I start saying viewer discretion is advised?

Also question should I ship people (platonic) and if so, who?

Puffy P.O.V

When I finish I put my plate in the dishwasher and grabbed some crackers from the cabinet. I was going to give the crackers to Ranboo. "Hey Puffy, you know if you're still hungry there's more." Niki said. "I know!" I yelled back going up the stairs. I went over to Ranboo's door and saw their sign was the awake one. I knocked softly. "Ranboo? Can I come in?" I heard quick shuffling and then a quick response say give me a minute. 

I waited till I heard the door knob turn and saw Ranboo standing. Their eyes were puffy and they were holding their arms covering their stomach. They looked in pain. 

"You okay? You seem to be in pain?" I asked. "Yeah..." He coughed out. He invited me in and I stepped inside. I went over to his nightstand and set the crackers down. Then I looked at the nightstand. "Hey Ranboo why is the nightstand turned?" I looked over at him. I saw them snap out of their thoughts. "Oh, um, I don't know but it's fine..." I made eye contact but they looked away. "You sure you're feeling okay?" He nodded fast but grabbed his head after and leaned on the wall. I go over to them, move their hands and place my hand on their forehead. "Ranboo... you're burning up..." I said softly with a hint of worry in my voice. "No wonder you didn't want to eat." I said thinking out loud. "I'm going to get Phil alright?" He nodded slowly and I left.

Ranboo P.O.V

Shit! Everything was fine now people are worried and now you'll have to be taken care of. Why are you so bad at hiding things. I mentally slap myself but then I hear footsteps coming. "Hey mate..." I heard Phil's voice. I said nothing. He comes over and puts his hand on my head. He looks at Puffy and nods. "Why don't you eat the crackers Puffy brought and stay in bed." He said. "No." I replied sounding annoyed for some reason, I didn't mean to. I wanted to cry for snapping or I don't know I just wanted to cry. "No. It's fine, i'm fine." I said walking out of the room. 

I walked down the stairs and grabbed an apple taking a bite out of it. I went and sat on the sofa next to Fundy and Wilbur. Wilbur looked at me asking me if I wanted to rest my head on his shoulder non verbally by tilting his head sideways. I could tell he saw I was stressed and a little uncomfortable. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. 

Things started to get fuzzy but I forced myself to stay awake. I felt someone put there hand on my shoulder and started to rub my arm up and down. Everything went clear-ish again. I glanced at the person seeing it being Phil and Puffy also sitting next to him. They were focused on the movie. I snuggled my head more into Wilbur's shoulder and he wrapped an arm around my side.

Partly why I was uncomfortable is because i'm suppressing coughs and shit. I promised myself I wouldn't let coughs or sneezes out till i'm alone. I kept shuffling and I see Wilbur get more worried every time I move. "You wanna lay down?" He spoke in a whisper. I shrugged not trusting my voice. I saw him lightly punch Fundy in the shoulder pointing to my legs and giving small hand gestures. Fundy got it and nodded.

 A few movements later my head was on Wilbur's lap and my legs were on Fundy's lap. Wilbur was stroking my fluffy hair and I gave out letting the darkness consume me. I woke up around 5 minutes later do to shuffling. I then focused on the movie. Clowns. 

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