Wrong state of mind

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(Ranboo and revived Wilbur talk about things and...)

Warning: Language and Slight Manipulation, fighting, platonic beeduo and Idk how to say it as a "warning" or if it is one but bad Ranboo? I tried :) More might be added

Wilbur P.O.V

Ranboo... he's an interesting guy. He seems like my polar opposite. Now I have to work with them. I'm at fault I guess. Ugh I keep coming to fucking conclusions. I'll just see how he is and test some waters.

Time skip

"Hey Ranboo!" He turned to face me. They were standing in front of the dinner in Las Nevadas. "Hey Wilbur!" He called back and I went up to him. "You ready. It's going to be great." I said staring through the dinner window. I see them give a quick nod. "Good, now here." I said to him as I picked up a rock from the floor and handed it to him. "Through it at the window. Got to get rid of opponents." Ranboo was hesitant but did it and the glass shatter as went tumbling down to the floor. "Good now lets go inside." I feel bad for making him do this but at least I won't have blood on my hands and everyone likes Ranboo. I think. We walk in and look around. "What does it look like to you?" I said looking over to Ranboo. "Pretty bad honestly, it's really plain." I thought they'd be nice. Maybe they're better than I think. 

I pull out TNT and give it to them. He caught on pretty quick and went to the corner. "You got flint and steel? I don't have some on me right now." I nodded and gave some to him. I stepped back and he lit the TNT and half jogged to stand beside me. Once that one TNT blew up we did some more vandalizing then left to the partial woods not too far from Las Nevadas. We started to work. "Hey Ranboo I have a question." They looked up at me and nodded for me to ask. "Do you think i'm a bad guy?" They stopped working and hesitated before answering. "Well to be honest not really, I mean I only saw the damage you did. I don't have anything against you and i'm willing to give you a second chance. I believe people can change and compared to how long you've been away I think you did change." Hearing those words made me believe that Ranboo might actually be the person i'm looking for. He's nice, kind and gentle, yes, but he also seeks revenge and he's part enderman and they're pretty violent creatures. "Thank you Ranboo." He smiled at me. "Has anyone been on your nerves lately?" I see them think for a moment. "Mostly Quackity and Fundy because they tried to kill Techno. Well so did Tubbo but he's learned and I was forced to help. "So Quackity and Fundy eh. Never liked Quackity. Fundy though is my son. I mean he never really liked me when I tried my hardest and kinda need revenge. 

After some time we went our own ways.

Few days later

I was just walking till I heard yelling. I walked closer to the noise and realized it was Quackity, Fundy and Ranboo fighting. (Verbally). Quackity was yelling at him that he's a traitor and so is Fundy from the bits of yells I could hear. Other people have gathered like Phil, Techno, Tubbo, Niki, Foolish, Punz, Jack, Bad, Ponk, Eret and Sam. I got closer and behind a tree so I could hear. "You're working for the other team! You're a traitor!" Quackity yelled. "I can be friends with an opponent! Who said I was telling them information! They are my friends and so is Tubbo, Eret and more!" Ranboo yelled back with great volume. I saw some people flinch. "You're talking to them and you don't have a witness to prove that!" Quackity yelled still standing tall. "So now I can't talk to anyone but people in L'manberg! Does that seem fair to you! I can have other friends and i'm not even on your side! I don't choose sides I choose people! You don't own me!" People were now shifting and backing up a little but not wanting to leave. "You're choosing a side by not choosing one! You're on your own side where the sun shines everyday!" Ranboo was furious but scared at the same time. "Y'know what?" Quackity said in a stern but not a yelling voice. He grabbed Fundy's axe. "I guess i'm just going to have to execute you and yell at you till you get it!" Quackity put the axe over his head ready to strike at them. I pulled out an ender pearl quickly my sword. I through the ender pearl right in front of Ranboo. When it activated I put the axe out in front blocking Quackity and pushing him back. I heard people gasp around me. I was breathing heavily and staring at Quackity with distaste. I stood up more straight and spoke up.  "What do you think you're doing to my fucking friend?" Venom lacing every word. He was shocked. "That traitor is your friend!" He yelled. "He's not a traitor! and for your information, yes, he is a friend and I trust him!" Quackity backed up a little. "And you said no one cared, bullshit." People were even more shocked then before. "Ranboo..." Sam spoke up. "Save it!" He yelled and Sam backed down immediately. Ranboo pushed past me and took out his axe. "I've had enough of your fucking bullshit alright." They said, it was very intimidating. "Y'know what me to." Eret said walking over. "You seem to think you have control and that you're right all the time and know what's best but you really don't." He put an arm around me. "Now Quackity." Tubbo is now the one to speak up. "Get out of my fucking country!" He looked at Tubbo shocked and confused. "You were yelling at my husband!" Quackity didn't move. "Fundy." I spoke up sternly. He looked at me scared. "Come with me now and Ranboo, Eret and Tubbo you lot should come too." They nodded and started to go toward the path. Techno came to me and said "I'll take Fundy back." I looked at him confused. "You're not the only one who unexpectedly cares for Ranboo." He said softly. That made me smile. He's opening up more...

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